As a world-leading service provider of antibody development and generation, Creative Biolabs is ready to provide a whole series of biomarker-specific in vitro diagnostic (IVD) antibody development services. A team of experienced scientists focused on antibody development are pleased to assist you in your project in a timely and cost-effective manner. Here, we introduce our IVD antibody development services targeting MMP-2 marker.

Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), a proteolytic enzyme, has been discovered in the myocardium, and may contribute to myocardial remodeling. The MMP family is composed of at least 20 structurally similar zinc metalloendopeptidases that enable to degrade the extracellular matrix components. These enzymes are associated with a variety of biological processes, such as blastocyst implantation, morphogenesis; and diseases such as arthritis, cancer cell invasion and metastasis. All MMPs has the following functional characteristics: they comprise zinc at their active site; they demand calcium for their stability; and they are resisted by specific tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). MMP-2 is known as a 72 kDa gelatinase/type IV collagenase and it has the capacity to hydrolyze gelatins, laminin, fibronectin, etc. And it has been indicated that MMP-2 was a crucial signaling protease involved in the proteolytic modulation of many intracellular proteins in myocardial oxidative stress injury.

MMP-2 Marker of Myocardial Ischemia

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is one of the most serious health problems in a number of countries. Following AMI, various proteolytic enzymes and cytokines are secreted. Among them, MMPs are essential proteolytic enzymes which result in degradation of the extracellular matrix and variations in cardiomyocytes in both infarcted and noninfarcted myocardium. Many previous researches have proven the significant role of MMPs in the development of left ventricular dimension, remodeling and mortality following AMI. Studies have shown that MMP-2 was raised at one week after MI, and got to a maximum at two and three weeks in the infarcted zone. It also existed in the remote area at a low but detectable level. What's more, MMP-2 is widely regarded as a potential biomarker and novel prognostic indicator for patients with MI.

MMP-2 Marker of Primary Melanoma

Melanoma is a type of cancer emerging from the melanocytes in epidermis of skin, which is disreputable for its fast progression, metastasis, and poor prognosis. Melanoma makes up only 4% of skin cancers, however, it is the cause of over 80 % of deaths from skin cancer and only 14% of patients with metastatic melanoma survive for 5 years. A recent study has shown that MMP2 expression was observably elevated in primary and metastatic melanoma contrasted to normal and dysplastic nevi. Besides, MMP2 expression can predict the patient survival independent of tumor thickness and ulceration. Their results indicated that MMP2 staining was correlated with worse survival of melanoma patients and MMP2 was a promising biomarker for the prognostic and diagnosis of primary melanoma.

Fig.3 CD147 and MMP-2 expression in primary uveal melanoma. (Lüke, et al., 2016)Fig.1 Fluorescence double-immunohistochemistry analysis reveals CD147 and MMP-2 expression in a primary uveal melanoma sample.1

IVD Antibody Development Services for MMP-2 Marker

In recent years, IVD technologies are undergoing rapid development. IVD antibodies have been extensively used for the diagnosis of numerous diseases, conditions, or infections. Numerous candidate biomarkers were introduced as specific biomarkers for discrimination of indolent and advanced disease. As a pioneer company in the IVD market, Creative Biolabs has provided a variety of IVD antibody development services to our global customers in the most high-quality and cost-effective way. Especially, we target the MMP-2 as a marker of myocardial infarction and primary melanoma. If you are interested in the services we provide, please feel free to contact us and get a quote.


  1. Lüke, Julia, et al. "CD147 and matrix-metalloproteinase-2 expression in metastatic and non-metastatic uveal melanomas." BMC ophthalmology 16 (2016): 1-12. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.

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