Creative Biolabs provides gene expression profiling service to identify novel drug targets. It is genome-wide transcriptome analysis at DNA and RNA levels.
To create a global picture of cellular function, gene expression profiling can measure all the gene activities in a cell at once. For target identification purpose, gene expression profiles are compared between drug-treated cells and no-drug control cells. The different expression patterns provide valuable insight for scientists to discover drug targets, elucidate the molecular basis of drug-associated phenotypic changes, and select appropriate targets for in-depth studies.
Creative Biolabs' highly qualified molecular biologists, geneticists, and bioinformaticians have significant experience in gene expression profiling. Supported by several technologies including DNA microarrays, transcriptome sequencing, digital PCR, and real-time PCR, we propose comprehensive solutions for gene expression profiling.
Gene Expression Profiling by DNA Microarrays
We provide DNA microarrays as an exciting tool for gene expression profiling. In this approach, DNA probes specific made for all required genes are immobilized on an array of solid support. Your specific labeled RNA expression samples are hybridized with immobilized DNA probes. The hybridization pattern from this array can directly reflect the transcriptome under a given condition. We could measure thousands of gene expression patterns in parallel, and generate appropriate targets for therapeutic applications.
Creative Biolabs optimizes the array according to your particular purpose to offer you the most suitable technology. Also, we provide custom design, statistical advice as well as data analysis services to ensure an effective report of your research. We promise to help you find drug targets in the most cost-effective manner.
Figure 1. Hybridization of the target to the probe (De Backer 2003).
Gene Expression Profiling by Transcriptome Sequencing
Transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq) by next generation sequencing (NGS) can characterize all transcriptional activity (coding and non-coding) in a cell, even for low expression genes and novel transcripts. This technology gives a view of gene expression changes with the advantages of transcriptome-wide coverage, sensitivity, and accuracy. We provide precise measurement of strand orientation, uniform coverage, and high confidence mapping of alternate transcripts and gene fusions. It gives a promising manner for selecting targets of interest.
Gene Expression Quantification by Digital PCR
Digital PCR enables highly precise measurement and quantification of gene expression. This technology determines the absolute quantification of a transcript without the need for a reference gene.
Gene Expression Validation by Real-time PCR
Real-time PCR (RT-QPCR) or quantitative PCR (QPCR) is a molecular technique that enables detection and quantification of gene expression profiles. Creative Biolabs offers RT-PCR service for the purpose of validating gene expression patterns. The raw data obtained from RT-PCR are transformed to informative formats to be better understood.
Creative Biolabs provides you one-stop gene expression profiling service with our world class equipment. Also, our experienced scientists are pleased to give you advice on choosing the most suitable solution to meet your project needs. For more detailed information, please feel free to contact us or directly sent us an inquiry.
For Research Use Only.