Short Decsription
This product is designed to be used to detect activated p50, p52, and p65 by chemiluminescent DNA-binding ELISA.
This product is designed to be used to detect activated p50, p52, and p65 by chemiluminescent DNA-binding ELISA.
Qualified With
Quality Certificate
Sub Cat Target Size  
ITS-0224-HM76 NFκB p50 1 x 96 rxns Inquiry
ITS-0224-HM77 NFκB p50 5 x 96 rxns Inquiry
ITS-0224-HM78 NFκB p52 1 x 96 rxns Inquiry
ITS-0224-HM79 NFκB p52 5 x 96 rxns Inquiry
ITS-0224-HM80 NFκB p65 1 x 96 rxns Inquiry
ITS-0224-HM81 NFκB p65 5 x 96 rxns Inquiry

For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use

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