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Creative Biolabs is one of the world's leading contract research organizations (CROs) with extensive experience in computational antibody design. We are a diverse global team that shares a passion for collaboration and solving complex problems. We take our responsibilities seriously as every project we work on means providing much-needed support for scientific researchers in academia and industry and their drug discovery and development efforts.

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Job Title Location Educational Requirement
Social Media & Business Development Manager New York, United States PhD
Business Development Manager New York, United States PhD
Sales Manager, Computer-aided Antibody Design New York, United States PhD
Senior Project Manager, Computational Antibody Development New York, United States MS/PhD
Scientist, Computational Antibody Engineering New York, United States MS/PhD
Principal Scientist, Computer-aided Drug Design New York, United States MS/PhD
Research Associate, Recombinant Protein New York, United States BS/MS
Lab Manager New York, United States PhD

All services provided on this site are intended to support preclinical research only. Do not use our services or final products on humans.

More than 10 years of exploration and expansion

The whole new drug discovery and development pipeline

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