With rich experience in cell line engineering and innovative technique design, our Magic™ calcium-activated GPCR stable cell lines were developed to offer robust antibody function screening against various GPCRs. We now provide a full portfolio of well-established GPCR stable cell lines engineered with biosensors, including calcium-activated GPCR cell lines, cAMP-activated GPCR cell lines, DAG-activated GPCR cell lines, multiplex GPCR cell lines (transformed with 2 different biosensors).

Calcium Signaling Pathway

Cell signaling networks are complicated, often composed of multiple pathways acting in concert to regulate particular cellular functions precisely. Receptors are the core components of the signaling pathway for receiving and transducing the signals. Among them, an important family of receptors is the well-known G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Activation of GPCRs generates diffusible second messengers that act either around the plasma membrane or deep within the cell.

Fig.1 Ca2+ signaling pathway overview in cellular. (Patergnani, et al., 2020)Fig.1 The intracellular Calcium (Ca2+) signaling.1, 2

One of the important second messengers activated by GPCRs is calcium. In its elementary format, a GPCR-dependent calcium signaling complex consists of two components, a biochemical component (including the receptor and effector proteins that generate the second messenger IP3), and a biophysical component (consisting of two calcium channels and two calcium pumps). The 2 components act synergistically to generate repetitive calcium oscillations locally or globally, propagating calcium waves.

Many neurotransmitters and hormones transmit information by increasing the concentration of free cytoplasmic calcium. It is reported that increases in calcium can interfere with gene expression, cell proliferation, muscle contraction, fertilization, apoptosis, neurotransmitter release, fluid and electrolyte secretion and many other biophysical processes.

Calcium-activated GPCR Cell Lines

Calcium-activated GPCR cell lines were transformed with the calcium-activated biosensor and label-free GPCRs, providing a convenient and sensitive tool for evaluating various compounds targeting GPCR in high-throughput format. Calcium-activated biosensors on the plasma membrane will respond momentarily to calcium concentration changes thus real-time monitoring the GPCR activities. Currently, we provide a wide range of Magic™ GPCR stable cell lines engineered with calcium-activated biosensor:

Highlight Features of Calcium-activated GPCR Cell Lines

  • Stable high expression levels of GPCRs
  • Diverse GPCR coverage
  • High-throughput screening (HTS) compatibility
  • Sensitive detection of calcium signaling
  • Reduced background noise
  • Customizable option

Creative Biolabs has long been dedicated to exploiting more innovative and effective methods to facilitate GPCR-targeting therapeutic discovery. Our products cover a wide variety of GPCR cell lines that gives you complete flexibility to choose the ideal one that meets your specific project needs. Please contact us for more information and a detailed quote.


  1. Patergnani, Simone, et al. "Various aspects of calcium signaling in the regulation of apoptosis, autophagy, cell proliferation, and cancer." International journal of molecular sciences 21.21 (2020): 8323.
  2. under Open Access License CC BY 4.0, without modification.

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