Short Decsription
Seven-Reagent Alcian Blue - Periodic acid Schiff kit for staining acid mucopolysaccharides according to Mowry. Ability to differentiate between acidic mucins (stained in light blue) and neutral mucins, glycogen and glycoproteins (stained in red).
One of the most commonly used chemical methods in histology is P.A.S. staining. Combined with Alcian Blue pH 2.5 solution on a single slice, neutral nad acid mucins, glycogen and glycoproteins can be distinguished. Alcian Blue dye stains acid mucins in the P.A.S. staining procedure. The oxidative properties of periodic acid make it possible to combine the characteristic magenta staining with BioSchiff's reagent. Nuclei were stained with hematoxylin ML (Mayer-Lillie), which does not interfere with Ecian blue dye.
Tissue Stainning

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