Six-reagent kit for staining fungi

Grocott kit is used in histology for visualization of fungi, certain pathogens, basal membranes and histology argentaffin structures in general. Staining procedure starts with periodic acid solution being used to oxidize 1,2-glycols to aldehydes. During incubation in methenamine-silver-borate working solution aldehydes are reduced and at the same time cause reduction of silver ions to metallic silver that manifests as black structures on the section.
This is followed by toning the solution with gold chloride solution that additionally improves staining intensity of target structures (fungi, basal membranes and others), and it reduces background staining. Excessive unbound silver-gold bonds is removed by rinsing the section with sodium thiosulfate solution. Lastly, the sections are exposed to Fast Green F.C.F. dye that stains background structures; that in turn creates clear and visually reach contrast to target structures (colored in black).

Basal membranes, glycogen, bacteria and fungi- black
Background - green


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