Assay Name
In Vitro (3)H-thymidine Incorporation Assay (Cell Proliferation)
Short Description
HCT-116-cell based In Vitro (3)H-thymidine Incorporation Assay (Cell Proliferation)
Assay Description
The 3H-thymidine incorporation assay is one such assay that can detect newly synthesized DNA in cells. Cultured cells are mixed with 3H-thymidine (radioactive) and kept for a desired incubation period. Newly replicated DNA strands can incorporate 3H-thymidine during mitosis. A scintillation counter is necessary to detect the output. Direct measurement of proliferating cells is the main advantage of this assay. However, use of harmful radioactive substances and need of special equipment are considered as main disadvantages.
Assay Type
Cell Viability/Cytotoxicity and Antiproliferative Assays
Assay Type Details
Uncontrolled proliferation is one of the main features of cancer cells. Cell-based in vitro assays are employed to determine whether test molecules possess direct cytotoxic/antiproliferative effects in cancer cells.
Assay Subtype
Cell Proliferation Assay
Assay MOA
Cell-based Assays Based on DNA Synthesis