Short Decsription
MAT kit contains a human peripheral blood mononuclear cell preparation pooled from 4 healthy donors (pMAT cells), and has been specifically qualified for endotoxins and pyrogen testing with the MAT.
MAT kit contains a human peripheral blood mononuclear cell preparation pooled from 4 healthy donors (pMAT cells), and has been specifically qualified for endotoxins and pyrogen testing with the MAT.
Sustainable pyrogen test system avoiding the use of experimental animals; Compliant with regulatory requirements, detects the full range of pyrogens; Qualified cells ensure reliable assay performance and reproducible results; Optimized assay components ensure high sensitivity and minimize qualification work.
Pyrogen testing of raw materials, pharmaceutlical preparations, medical devices; In-process testing for pyrogens to support development of new production processes; Ideal for biological products and production processes for example, proteins, antibodies, lipid pharmaceuticals, and vaccines.
Qualified With
Strictly follow the requirement of the european pharmacopeia
Method Type
MAT assay

For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use

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