Short Decsription
This product is a ready-to-use IHC kit for staining of PPARG. The kit provides all reagents, from antigen retrieval to cover slip mounting, that require little to no diluting or handling prior to use. Simply apply the reagents to your sample slide according to the protocol and you're steps away from obtaining high-quality IHC data.
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARs) are ligand-activated intracellular transcription factors, members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily (NR), that includes estrogen, thyroid hormone receptors, retinoic acid, Vitamin D3 as well as retinoid X receptors (RXRs). The PPAR subfamily consists of three subtypes encoded by distinct genes denoted PPARα (NR1C1), PPARβ/δ (NR1C2) and PPARγ (NR1C3), which are activated by selective ligands. PPARγ, also named as PPARG, contains one nuclear receptor DNA-binding domain and is a receptor that binds peroxisome proliferators such as hypolipidemic drugs and fatty acids. It plays an important role in the regulation of lipid homeostasis, adipogenesis, INS resistance, and development of various organs. Defects in PPARG are the cause of familial partial lipodystrophy type 3 (FPLD3) and may be associated with susceptibility to obesity. Defects in PPARG can lead to type 2 INS-resistant diabetes and hypertension. PPARG mutations may be associated with colon cancer. Genetic variations in PPARG are associated with susceptibility to glioma type 1 (GLM1). PPARG has been reported to be localized mainly (but not always) in the nucleus. PPARG can also be detected in the cytoplasm and was reported to possess extra-nuclear/non-genomic actions.
Ready to use
High Sensitivity Streptavidin (HSS) increases detection sensitivity
Suitable for tissue sections & cytospin preparations
Pre-diluted reagents minimize hands-on time
Optimizes mouse, rabbit, rat, goat, or sheep IgG primary antibody staining
Human, Rat
Analytical Method
Sample Type
FFPE tissue

For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use

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