Short Decsription
Five-reagent periodic acid Schiff kit for staining aldehydes, mucopolysaccharides, mucins, and lymphocytes according to Hotchkiss-McManus. P.A.S. staining can also be used to visualize fungal organisms in tissue sections.
One of the most commonly used chemical methods in histology is P.A.S. staining. P.A.S. staining is based on an oxidative reaction in the presence of periodic acid and Schiff's reagent. Periodic acid causes molecules containing diol groups to produce aldehydes affected by Schiff's reagent, dyeing them purple (magenta). This method is most commonly used for liver and muscle cell testing. Create specific stains by applying P.A.S. Methods for Unsubstituted Polysaccharides, Mucins and Glycoproteins, Glycolipids and Phospholipids. Combined with Aicin blue, it can detect acidic mucus substances (glycosaminoglycans).
Tissue Stainning

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