Creative Biolabs can help you screen and validate potential targets by using several gene manipulation methods related to genome editing and gene silencing.

Human genome project has shed the light on understanding the human gene functions. Of the roughly 35,000 genes in the human genome, only a few have been identified as known genes. Therefore, validating and verifying a positive lead is the key to effective drug development. Developing a drug against a specific target is an extensive commitment in terms of time and money.  Target validation is a crucial step in the drug discovery pipeline. Generally, a drug target is the specific biomolecule to which the drug is directed or binds, resulting in a change due to its action. New drug validation underlies the new drug exploration and the initial step of drug discovery. It is of great help to drug research and also provides more insight for understanding the pathogenesis of the diseases.

For years, Creative Biolabs has been developing techniques and providing services for drug discovery and target validation by the means of gene silencing, including:

RNAi Screening Service

RNA interference (RNAi) is a conserved eukaryotic gene silencing mechanism, in which small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) of about 20-30 nucleotides (nt) act as regulators in multiple cellular processes. The combination of high throughput screening (HTS) and RNAi technology have led to the rapid discovery of the molecular basis of many diseases, as well as identification of potential targets for developing novel therapies. This powerful biotechnological tool has provided researchers with great opportunity to accelerate biotechnological and therapeutic studies. We provide several comprehensive RNA libraries construction to create a promising platform to validate new drug targets and filter prospective therapeutics.

Antisense RNA Service

Antisense RNA is a single-stranded RNA that is complementary to “sense" mRNA sequence strand to inhibit gene expression. Creative Biolabs uses antisense RNA technique to inhibit gene expression when identifying essential genes. This technique has also been used to confer fungal resistance to antifungal drugs. We have patent technologies for cloning vectors containing promoters for RNA polymerases or designing special primers of PCR for transcription reactions. The high yields of RNA transcripts of our platform are especially suitable for the synthesis of large mass amounts of RNA.

Schematic Overview of Gene Silencing Machinery Fig1. Schematic Overview of Gene Silencing Machinery

Creative Biolabs offers a range of gene manipulation solutions to cater to your needs. We perform complete toolset comprising trusted solutions for every step of gene manipulation. The optimized, validated technology systems are designed to minimize and eliminate the trial-and-error phase and help you get answers faster with fewer errors.

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