Scientists in Creative Biolabs are glad to offer this exclusive opportunity for our global clients to adopt professional RNAi screening service.

RNA interference (RNAi) is an evolutionary regulatory mechanism of most cells that uses ~21-25 long siRNA transcripts of effectively control the expression of desired genes. By inhibiting the expression of mRNA transcripts through degrading or binding sequence specifically thus hindering translation into proteins. It is a conserved biological mechanism controlling normal gene expression. The silencing mechanism occurs at the levels of transcription, post-transcription, and translation. RNAi can also cause augmentation of gene expression due to direct effects on the translation. Two types of small ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules, micro-RNA (miRNA) and small interfering RNA (siRNA), are central to RNA interference. RNAi is a specific, potent, and highly successful approach for loss-of-function studies in virtually all eukaryotic organisms. Besides being a method of therapeutic target identification of drug discovery, knockdown of target genes with RNAi reagents also can be used to elucidate biochemical and cell signaling pathways.

Creative Biolabs utilizes many different RNAi technologies to achieve robust knockdown and help you understand the complex biological system. Our platform of RNAi services design allows high-level expression of shRNA and miRNA that will help our clients in various scientific research as follows:

  • siRNA or shRNA design and synthesis service
  • siRNA or shRNA vector construction service
  • siRNA or shRNA transfection service
  • Test mRNA expression by PT-PCR and the protein expression by Western Blot.

RNAi screening service process:

Approaches to RNAi-mediated Gene Knockdown in Mammalian Cells Fig.1 Approaches to RNAi-mediated Gene Knockdown in Mammalian Cells

RNAi types comparison:

Type Size Transfection efficient Transfection method
siRNA 19-22 bp High Transient
shRNA 70-90 bp Slightly lower Transient/stable transfection

RNAi screening service notes:

Provided by customers Contents of delivery
Target genes sequences/target gene ID Single clones; Full reports

If you are interested in using our RNAi screening service to support your target validation and identification program, please feel free to contact us for more details. Our scientists are pleased to tailor the best-fit proposal to meet your specific demands.

For Research Use Only.

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