shRNA Adeno-associated Virus Serotype 2, p7SK-(PGBD4-shRNA-Seq1)(CAT#: AAV-SI1091WQ)

This product is a PGBD4-shRNA encoding AAV, which is based on AAV-2 serotype. The PGBD4 encoded protein is piggyBac family of proteins. The PiggyBac (PB) transposon is a mobile genetic element that efficiently transposes between vectors and chromosomes via a "cut and paste" mechanism. During transposition, the PB transposase recognizes transposon-specific inverted terminal repeat sequences (ITRs) located on both ends of the transposon vector and efficiently moves the contents from the original sites and efficiently integrates them into TTAA chromosomal sites. The expression of PGBD4-shRNA leads to target gene silencing and this product can be used in gene therapy research and development.

Family Parvoviridae
Species Adeno-associated virus (AAV)
Serotype AAV-2
Backbone AAV-2
Tropism CNS, muscle, liver, brain, eye
Insert PGBD4-shRNA-Seq1
Related Target/Protein PGBD4
Region CDS
NCBI RefSeq NM_152595
Titer >1*10^10 GC/mL
Related Diseases Parkinson disease (PD)
Target Gene
Gene ID 161779
Uniprot ID Q96DM1

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