Direct Mass Spectrometry for Gut Microbial Biomarker Identification

The enteric community of bacteria that inhabit the human distal intestinal track broadly impacts human health. Based on a gut microbiota-based diagnostics platform, Creative Biolabs provides a series of gut microbial biomarker discovery services. With the emerging development in mass spectrometry (MS) technologies, we are proficient at detecting gut microbial biomarkers through direct analysis via MS.

Gut Microbial Biomarkers

The human gut microbiota has been considered the most important micro-ecosystem living in symbiosis with the body. Many studies have investigated possible correlations between gut microbiota and intestinal diseases, thereby revealing possible gut bacterial biomarkers. The identification of biomarkers as indicators of human gut diseases may contribute to rapid diagnosis as well as predict the course and prognosis of the disease and guide therapeutic decisions improving patient care.

Proxy biomarkers of gut dysbiosis. Fig.1 Proxy biomarkers of gut dysbiosis. (Safadi, 2021)

Our MS Technology Platform

MS is an analytical technique based on the measurement of the molecular mass of a charged molecule, referred to as an ion. The MS technologies have shown promise in the discovery and quantitation of metabolites associated with gut microbiota. Moreover, MS has become an important technique to identify microbial biomarkers due to its wide dynamic range, reproducible quantitative capabilities, and its ability to analyze samples of significant molecular complexity. At Creative Biolabs, we identify microbial biomarkers using MS technology. Our major MS technologies include liquid chromatography-MS, gas chromatography-MS, and imaging MS, which reduce the complexity of microbial biomarkers and yield reliable results. Many biosamples such as feces, urine, plasma/serum, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, exhaled breaths, and tissues, could be detected by MS to better understand gut metabolite systemic effects on the whole organism. Some studies have qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed the fecal metabolome to identify potential biomarkers in gastrointestinal diseases.

Our Services

MS offers numerous opportunities to improve and expand current clinical biomarker measurements, with the measurement of gut bacteria-mediated metabolites an excellent example of this future potential. At Creative Biolabs, we provide direct MS analysis for gut microbial biomarker identification. These techniques are used to directly analyze samples without any protein extraction. We are experts in standardized analytical protocols and high throughput analysis of pathogenic bacteria. We also provide fold-change analysis, statistical tests, and Volcano plots to identify significant metabolites or potential biomarkers.


Creative Biolabs actively supports and engages in research initiatives that bring the value of the microbiome closer to the clinic. Our scientists are always open to discussions of possible collaborations. To make our microbiome expertise available for your projects, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Safadi, J.M.; et al. Gut dysbiosis in severe mental illness and chronic fatigue: a novel trans-diagnostic construct? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Molecular Psychiatry. 2021: 1-13.

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