Engineering Melanoma Cells for Self-destruction

With unrivaled expertise and experiences in immune-oncology discovery and development, Creative Biolabs is confident in providing engineering melanoma cells for self-destruction purposes to best suit clients' program requirements.

Introduction of Melanoma

Melanoma is one of the most aggressive skin cancers and has an unpredictable course. Although it only accounts for 4% of skin cancer cases, it is a very deadly disease, accounting for 75% of skin cancer deaths. As melanoma is a heterogenous and complex disease characterized by high invasiveness and potent metastatic potential, it is more difficult to diagnose and treat. With the development of novel biological drugs for targeted therapies and immunotherapy, the improvement in patients' survival in advanced melanoma has been achieved. A better understanding of the complex biology of melanoma will further promote the development of more effective strategies to treat melanoma.

Novel Therapies for Advanced Melanoma

Currently, there are two main therapies used for advanced and disseminated melanoma treatment: targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Targeted therapy drugs are mainly synthetic inhibitors of BRAF or MEK kinases, which are designed to inhibit the constitutively active MAPK pathway. Four drugs of this class were approved by the FDA as mono- or in combination (trametinib, cobimetinib, vemurafenib, and dabrafenib), while the other two have been approved as combination therapy (binimetinib and encorafenib). Immunotherapy is based primarily on antibody treatments that target T cell immune checkpoints such as CTLA4 (ipilimumab) and PD-1.

Another type of immunotherapy for melanoma treatment is T-VEC (talimogene laherparepvec), which is an engineered oncolytic herpes simplex type 1 virus with a neurovirulence factor replaced by GM-CSF. T-VEC is directly injected into melanoma tumors where it induces melanoma cell death and recruits APCs into the tumor microenvironment through local production of GM-CSF, enhancing DCs function and promoting cytotoxic T-cell responses to tumor-associated antigens.

Fig.1 Novel therapies for advanced melanoma.Fig.1 Novel therapies for advanced melanoma. (Olbryt, 2019)

Engineering Melanoma Cells for Self-destruction

With advanced technologies and rich experienced scientists, Creative Biolabs has developed a new strategy for melanoma immunotherapy study, offering engineering melanoma cells for self-destruction purposes. After long years ahead to fully comprehending immune-oncology, we launch our synthetic gene circuits for cancer immunotherapy portfolio service which can be used in targeted cancer therapy and diagnosis.

Moreover, we are proud to offer the following cancer research topic including but not limited to:

Creative Biolabs develops and commercializes a full range of synthetic gene circuits for cancer immunotherapy services for our customers. With advanced technology and a professional academic team, Creative Biolabs makes it easy to advance your project successfully. Please feel free to contact us for more information.


  1. Sasso, M.S.; et al. Lymphangiogenesis-inducing vaccines elicit potent and long-lasting T cell immunity against melanomas. Science Advances. 2021, 7(13): eabe4362.
  2. Olbryt M. Molecular background of skin melanoma development and progression: therapeutic implications. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii. 2019, 36(2): 129-38.

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