Host Transcriptome Characterization

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In recent years, the characterization of the host transcriptome has become an essential tool in modern biomedical research, allowing us to learn important things about the relationship between host and pathogen and host and microbiome. When scientists study RNA transcripts (coding and non-coding RNA), they can unravel the molecular puzzles of gene expression that drive cellular responses and disease. What transcriptomics does for us, far beyond fundamental science, is to enable precision medicine by uncovering new biomarkers and therapeutic targets.

Recently, single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and dual RNA sequencing have revolutionized the field by providing unprecedented resolution and data quality. These technologies enable the full-scale profiling of transcriptomes at cellular and organismal scales, which leads to innovations in infectious disease, cancer biology and immunology. The same analysis, as well as the tools for coupling host transcriptome and microbiome, is employed in gut microbiota research. Creative Biolabs, a transcriptomic expert across the world, provides leading-edge host transcriptome profiling solutions to fit diverse research requirements.


The human gut is a complex living system. Microbiota and host constitute an extensive network for intracellular signaling and resistance to a pathogen. Interactions between host and gut microbiota are of current interest. 16S rRNA gene sequencing, metagenomics, and metatranscriptomics all could be combined with host transcriptomics to study the influence of multiple factors in the gut microbiome on host gene expression and vice versa.

Fig.1 Mouse model for characterizing gut microbiome-host relationships.Fig.1 Using mice as a model organism for characterizing gut microbiome-host relationships.1

Comprehensive Host Transcriptome Characterization Services

Creative Biolabs offers a complete set of host transcriptome characterization solutions that are precise, reproducible, and adaptable. Whether it's deciphering host-pathogen dynamics or understanding gut microbiome activity, the firm's solutions combine the latest technology and robust workflows.

Two popular transcriptomic profiling techniques are microarrays and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). The main difference between RNA-seq and microarrays is that the former can sequence the whole transcriptome and the latter just hybridizes pre-specified transcripts/genes. RNA-seq is better for exploratory studies with a focus on novel discoveries, and microarrays for specific targeted studies with known targets. Selecting the appropriate method for transcriptomic analysis depends on research goals, available resources, and desired resolution.

When to Choose This Service Advantages Application Examples
Microarrays Predefined gene expression profiling. Cost-effective for large datasets. Profiling immune responses in standardized research.
RNA-seq Comprehensive transcriptome analysis. High resolution and sensitivity. Identifying novel RNA species in infection models.
Single-cell RNA-seq Investigating heterogeneity in cell populations. High-resolution single-cell insights. Understanding tumor microenvironments.
Dual RNA-seq Simultaneous host-pathogen transcriptomic profiling. Comprehensive interaction data. Exploring bacterial infections in mammalian hosts.


1. RNA Extraction

High-quality RNA is extracted with stringent quality controls to ensure integrity.

2. Library Preparation

Customized libraries are prepared for specific platforms (e.g., Illumina, Nanopore).

3. Sequencing

RNA-seq or microarray platforms are used based on project requirements.

4. Data Analysis

Advanced bioinformatics pipelines process and analyze the data, generating actionable insights.

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Technical Innovations

Creative Biolabs combines the latest technology to increase the precision and depth of host transcriptome analysis:

Nanopore Sequencing

With nanopore sequencing, real-time, long-read transcriptome data are available for the entire isoform characterization and modification analysis. This is especially helpful for large-scale eukaryotic systems and microbe interactions.

Single-cell RNA-seq Platforms

Single-cell RNA-seq is the first to provide high resolution and, by analyzing individual cells, you are able to see heterogeneity in tissues or tumors. This is a technology that is key to finding unusual cell populations and learning about the immune microbiome.

Dual RNA Sequencing

Dual RNA-seq simultaneously analyses host and pathogen transcriptomes to reveal the full cycle of infection. It detects host immune responses and virulence factors of pathogens to enable novel therapies.

AI-Powered Transcriptome Analysis

Machine learning algorithms speed up the process, making data accurate and less time-consuming. AI is used to learn patterns from a vast amount of data to identify biomarkers and pathways.


Creative Biolabs' host transcriptome services cater to diverse research domains, including:

Why Choose Creative Biolabs?

Expertise in Host Transcriptome Profiling

Advanced techniques for studying host-pathogen and host-microbiome interactions, ensuring precise data for your research.

Cutting-Edge Technologies

Leveraging advanced platforms like Nanopore sequencing, single-cell RNA-seq, and AI-powered analysis to ensure high-resolution data.

Customizable Solutions

Tailored services for specific needs, such as dual RNA-seq and epigenetic profiling, providing flexible options for diverse research goals.

Rigorous Quality Control

Stringent quality assurance protocols to ensure reproducibility, data integrity, and actionable insights for your research.

An interplay between gut microbiota and host can affect human health or disease status. The study of the microbial community associated with a human host is a maturing research field. Creative Biolabs provides high-quality host transcriptome characterization services and executes each procedure strictly. Our experienced personnel will help you to define how our services can be best leveraged for your project, and our strict quality control can ensure the integrity of delivered results. Please feel free to contact us.


  1. Nichols, Robert G., and Emily R. Davenport. "The relationship between the gut microbiome and host gene expression: a review." Human genetics 140.5 (2021): 747-760. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.


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