Multiplexed Endogenous Gene Activation-based Cancer Immunotherapy Development Service

Unleashing the Future of Cancer Immunotherapy through CRISPRa Precision

The immunotherapy approach employing multiplexed activation of endogenous genes by CRISPRa exhibits precision, multiplicity, safety, and the potential for significant antitumor immune responses, marking it as a promising and innovative strategy in the development of cancer Immunotherapy.

Depending on our extensive experience, Creative Biolabs excels in providing a service that implements a technical process directly activating endogenous genes through the CRISPRa system. This process induces a robust anti-tumor immune response, presenting an innovative and efficient approach in the realm of developing novel cancer immunotherapy.

Fig.1 Technical scheme of the development of multiplexed endogenous gene activation-based cancer immunotherapy. (Creative Biolabs Original)Fig.1 Technical scheme of the development of multiplexed endogenous gene activation-based cancer immunotherapy.

Our technical process, by directly activating endogenous genes using the CRISPRa system, induces a potent anti-tumor immune response, providing an innovative and efficient approach for the development of new cancer immunotherapy.

Advantages of Eliciting Antitumor Immunity Through Multiplexed Activation of Endogenous Genes

Precision Targeting This method enables precise targeting of specific endogenous genes, ensuring a focused and tailored approach to activating the immune response against tumor cells.
Multiplexed Activation The ability to activate multiple endogenous genes simultaneously enhances the presentation of tumor antigens, potentially broadening the spectrum of the immune response and improving its efficacy
Endogenous Gene Expression By utilizing endogenous genes, the treatment leverages the natural cellular machinery, minimizing the introduction of exogenous elements. This may contribute to a more sustainable and regulated immune response.
Dramatic Antitumor Immune Responses The approach has demonstrated the potential to induce robust and dramatic antitumor immune responses, suggesting its effectiveness in combating cancer.
Reduced Off-Target Effects: Specific activation of endogenous genes reduces the likelihood of off-target effects, enhancing the safety profile of the immunotherapy and minimizing adverse reactions in non-tumor tissues.
Innovative CRISPRa Technology: Leveraging CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) technology, this approach takes advantage of cutting-edge gene-editing tools, reflecting the forefront of innovation in biotechnology.
Potential for Personalized Treatment The precise targeting of endogenous genes allows for a personalized approach, considering the unique genetic makeup of each patient's tumor for optimized therapeutic outcomes.

Publications Sharing

The observations in this literature indicate that the combined effect of synergistic activation and multiplexing can be attained through the utilization of CRISPR RNA (crRNA) arrays. Moreover, our findings reveal that crRNAs expressed towards the 5' end of 6-crRNA arrays exhibit enhanced activity. This not only signifies a more adaptable instrument for transcriptional modulation but also broadens our comprehension of the design possibilities and constraints associated with longer crRNA arrays for achieving multiplexed targeting.

Fig.2 Multiplexed activation of endogenous genes. (Bryson, J.W., Auxillos, J.Y. & Rosser, S.J., 2022 l)Fig.2 Multiplexed activation of endogenous genes.1

Our groundbreaking approach, activating endogenous genes through the CRISPRa system, pioneers a potent anti-tumor immune response. If you're inspired by progress and eager to revolutionize cancer immunotherapy, we invite you to contact us.


  1. Bryson, James W., Jamie Y. Auxillos, and Susan J. Rosser. "Multiplexed activation in mammalian cells using a split-intein CRISPR/Cas12a based synthetic transcription factor." Nucleic Acids Research 50.1 (2022): 549-560.

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