Quantitative Microbiome Profiling

The development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) has instigated research on the role of the microbiome in health and disease. However, it becomes a challenge to identify those microbial taxa that are truly associated with an intervention or health outcome due to the compositional nature of such microbiome datasets. Quantitative microbiome profiling is a method that overcomes the compositional structure of microbiome sequencing data by integrating absolute quantification of microbial abundances into the NGS data. With the rich experience and excellent experts in gut microbiota, Creative Biolabs launches quantitative microbiome profiling to help you complement 16S rRNA gene sequencing with estimates of microbial load.

  • Quantitative Microbiome Profiling (QMP)
  • Propidium Monoazide-based Quantitative Microbiome Profiling (QMP-PMA)
  • qPCR-Based Quantitative Microbiome Profiling (QMP-qPCR)

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Microbiome profile comparisons. A) relative microbiome profiling (RMP), B) QMP, C) QMP-PMA, and D) QMP-qPCR. ( Fig.1 Microbiome profile comparisons. A) relative microbiome profiling (RMP), B) QMP, C) QMP-PMA, and D) QMP-qPCR. (Galazzo, 2020)

Creative Biolabs provides comprehensive quantitative microbiome profiling services for gut microbiota research. To find out more information about our Gut Microbial Biomarker Discovery Service, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


  1. Galazzo, G.; et al. How to count our microbes? The effect of different quantitative microbiome profiling approaches. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2020, 10: 403.

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