SH-SY5Y-based Cytotoxicity Safety Screening Service

Ensuring Safety with Precision: SH-SY5Y Cytotoxicity Screening

Cytotoxicity safety screening is a crucial component of the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) process, ensuring that compounds are not only pharmacologically effective but also safe for further development. In the stages of development, this evaluation helps detect substances to ensure the safety and effectiveness of new treatments. Through the use of dependable tests, cytotoxicity screening offers data that shape the improvement and enhancement of drug candidates ultimately leading to safer and more efficient therapies.

At Creative Biolabs we stand out in delivering expert cytotoxicity safety screening services using the SH SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line. Our dedication, to accuracy, dependability, and cutting-edge techniques guarantee that our clients receive top-notch results. With our proficiency in neurotoxicity testing, we take a leading role in assisting the creation of efficient neurotherapeutic compounds establishing us as the partner, for your cytotoxicity screening requirements.

Characteristics of SH-SY5Y cells:

The use of SH-SY5Y cells in cytotoxicity safety screening is particularly valuable for evaluating the neurotoxic effects of compounds, contributing to the development of safer neurotherapeutic agents and enhancing our understanding of neurodegenerative diseases and neuronal damage mechanisms.

Assay Information:

Our SH-SY5Y-based cytotoxicity safety screening service utilizes Beetle luciferin + ATP as the substrate and tamoxifen as the control inhibitor in a functional assay with SH-SY5Y cells, detected through luminescence.

Substrate Assay Type Cell Type Control Inhibitor Detection Method
Beetle luciferin + ATP Functional SH-SY5Y Tamoxifen Luminescence


Published Data

This research shares the outcomes of tests done on SH SY5Y cells to measure their viability following a 3-hour exposure, to cotinine and nicotine. The findings suggest that both cotinine and nicotine have effects on SH SY5Y cells in a dosed manner. Higher doses of these substances notably decreased cell viability indicating harm to the system. This study highlights the significance of using SH SY5Y cells for assessing neurotoxicity as they offer a model for studying how chemicals impact nerve cells. The results from this research enhance our knowledge of the safety profiles of cotinine and nicotine stressing the importance of cytotoxicity evaluations, in developing treatments.

Fig.1 Cytotoxicity evaluation of SH-SY5Y. (Dalberto, Daiana, et al., 2022)Fig.1 Cell viability evaluation of SH-SY5Y after cotinine and nicotine treatment.1



Our specialized expertise ensures rigorous evaluation of compound safety profiles, crucial for advancing neurotherapeutic research and drug development. Contact us today to discover how our SH-SY5Y-based cytotoxicity safety screening services can support your scientific objectives.


  1. Dalberto, Daiana, et al. "Cytotoxic and genotoxic evaluation of cotinine using human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y)." Genetics and Molecular Biology 43 (2020): e20190123.

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