Structure Determination Service

Structure determination is a process to obtain the three dimension coordinates of a molecule or biomolecule by a selected method. In the drug discovery process, the next important step, after the target is identified, is to obtain this 3D structure. This helps to generate the topological map and study mode of action (MOA) of molecular surfaces to optimize efficacy and selectivity.

Creative Biolabs has been focusing on drug discovery for years. Our team is able to provide structural determination services using a wide range of cutting-edge methods to facilitate your research in structural biology.

Our Capabilities in Structure Determination

X-ray Crystallography

  • For molecules of any size
  • Sample must be crystallized in a lattice structure
  • Atomic resolution but crystallization may take years and damage protein structure

NMR Spectroscopy

  • For small molecules
  • Sample must be dissolved in water
  • Closer to real protein structure but larger protein can not be resolved

Cryo-Electron Microscopy

  • For larger molecules
  • Sample is frozen in its native state
  • Near-atomic resolution, fast sample preparation

X-ray Crystallography Workflow

  1. Grow crystals of the protein
  2. Obtain the X-ray diffraction data
  3. Computer electron density maps
  4. Atomic model calculation and refinement

In addition to the three proprietary technologies mentioned above, we have also developed small angle X-ray and neutron scattering techniques.

Small-Angle X-Ray and Neutron Scattering

SANS and SAXS are two types of small-angle scattering techniques used for detecting macromolecular /molecular structures or self-assembled aggregates. These techniques are very useful for people who study polymer and colloidal sciences since they normally need to detect in a relative small scale (about 1nm to 1μm).

Advantages of SANS and SAXS:

  • Help scientists get information about the size, shape, and spatial relationship of analyte, macromolecules and components
  • SANS and SAXS do not require analytes to crystallizes in advance
  • Get useful information even in the range of 1-1000 nm
  • Measure the size, shape and spatial relationship of macromolecules and components

Through continuous training and collaborations with scientist in the fields, we have built quality infrastructures over the years. This allows us to provide diverse services for clients all around the world.

Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information.

For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use

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