System Immunity Measurement

The gut microbiota can influence the development and function of the intestinal immune system and conversely, the innate and adaptive immune system influence microbiota composition. With the latest understanding of the gut microbiome as well as immunity, Creative Biolabs provides a wide range of bioassay and multi-omics services for system immunity measurement in gut microbiota-associated neuro diseases.

Interactions Between the Gut Microbiota, Immune, and Nervous Systems

The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional neurohumoral communication system that integrates brain and gastrointestinal functions. Gut microbiota plays a critical role in orchestrating brain development and behavior, and the immune system is emerging as an important regulator of these interactions. Cytokines produced in the intestine can travel to the brain through the bloodstream and affect the systemic immune system. Altered systemic immunity changes immune signaling and peripheral inflammation in the brain, which is associated with many neuro diseases. As such, it will be intriguing to predict the ‘personalized’ host immune responses based on gut microbiome profiles, which will ultimately facilitate the development of personalized microbiome-targeted treatments for immunological diseases.

Pathways of immune signaling regulating the microbiota-gut-brain axis. Fig.1 Pathways of immune signaling regulating the microbiota-gut-brain axis. (Salvo-Romero, 2020)

Our Capabilities

With extensive experience and rich laboratory capacity, Creative Biolabs offers a comprehensive toolbox covering wide solutions to help you push the project faster. Our services include but are not limited to

Creative Biolabs is a global, vertically integrated, research-driven biotechnology company that helps our clients solve complex problems in gut microbiology research. We construct germ-free (GF) mice, gnotobiotic mice with limited microbiome diversity and specific pathogen-free (SPF) mice treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics (ABX). These animal models are invaluable tools for functional studies evaluating the immunological effects of various microbial species commonly found in healthy gut microbiota.

Creative Biolabs provides a wide range of services in genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics research fields such as methylation profiling, genotyping, next-generation sequencing (NGS), bioinformatics analysis, and much more. Integration of multi-omics data sets, including metagenomics, single-cell transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics and metabolomics, will aid in elucidating how the gut microbiome and the immune system are cross-regulated in the differing and complex contexts. Our experienced scientists provide comprehensive multi-omics services and insightful solutions for your gut microbiota projects. We are flexible partners when it comes to clients’ wishes and preferences and consider every order individually. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us for more information.


  1. Salvo-Romero, E.; et al.  Microbiota-immune interactions: From gut to brain. LymphoSign Journal. 2020, 7(1): 1-23.

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