Cancer Immune Combination Therapy Development Services

Creative Biolabs prides itself on our commitment to customer satisfaction and personalized cancer immune combination therapy development service. Our approach can lead to more custom therapy regimens that are suitable for the specific genetic profile of various cancer types, ultimately improving outcomes and reducing the likelihood of cancer recurrence.


In the battle against cancer, targeted therapy has emerged as a powerful weapon that seeks to specifically attack cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. However, one of the biggest challenges in targeted therapy is cancer resistance, where cancer cells develop mechanisms to evade the therapy effects.

In addition to cancer resistance mechanism analysis, Creative Biolabs provides combination therapy analysis services. Combination therapy involves using multiple drugs or therapies in combination to improve treatment outcomes and reduce the risk of drug resistance. Our team can help customers identify the most effective combinations of therapies based on their specific cancer type and individual characteristics.

A large-scale Drug Combination Screening. (Jaaks, Patricia, et al., 2022)Fig.1 A Drug Combination Screening for Cancer Immune Combination Therapy Development.1,3


Currently, we use the latest molecular and cellular biology techniques to analyze and validate cancer resistance mechanisms and combination therapy strategies. Creative Biolabs is always delivering accurate and reliable results to our customers, helping them make informed decisions about their cancer treatment. For example, a series of correlation analyses have been conducted by our scientists to help determine the relationship between specific genetic mutations or pathways and the development of resistance to certain therapies.

Up to now, Creative Biolabs has proven its important role in this field by providing services such as genomic analysis, drug screening, and preclinical testing. By utilizing these services, we have helped our clients identify many biomarkers or molecular mechanisms associated with resistance and develop targeted therapies to overcome it.

The Role of Personalized Cancer Vaccines and Anti-PD Therapy in the “Cancer-Immunity Cycle”. (Lang, Manshi, et al., 2024)Fig.2 Combined Application of Personalized Cancer Vaccines and Anti-PD Therapy.2,4

Moreover, we have also developed a combination therapy platform that can be used to address the issue of cancer resistance by targeting multiple pathways simultaneously. By using a combination of different drugs that work through distinct mechanisms of action, we can overcome the mechanisms that cancer cells use to resist treatment. Our approach can help to prevent the development of resistance, as well as enhance the effectiveness of existing treatments. Besides, we have used combination therapy strategies to reduce the risk of adverse side effects associated with high doses of single-agent therapy.

In recent studies, by constructing a series of drug combinations, we have designed two dual inhibition strategies based on synthetic lethality and oncogenic signaling. In general, in our synthetic lethality approach, we overcome drug resistance by using combination therapy targeting two signaling nodes. In the dual inhibition of oncogenic signaling, on one hand, we can inhibit multiple nodes of a pathway, whether downstream of a driver oncogene or upstream, to block reactivation. On the other hand, we can use three or more drugs in the same pathway or simultaneously target multiple drugs in two parallel pathways to suppress tumor survival.

Addressing cancer resistance through combination therapy treatments requires a comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms of resistance, collaboration between clients and our professionals, and access to innovative treatments developed by Creative Biolabs. By leveraging these resources and expertise, we can improve cancer outcomes and ultimately overcome resistance to current therapies. Please do not hesitate to contact us for inquiries.


  1. Jaaks, Patricia, et al. "Effective drug combinations in breast, colon and pancreatic cancer cells." Nature 603.7899 (2022): 166-173.
  2. Yang, Manshi, et al. "Mechanisms, combination therapy, and biomarkers in cancer immunotherapy resistance." Cell Communication and Signaling 22.1 (2024): 338.
  3. Image retrieved from Figure 1 Jaaks et al., 2022, used under CC BY 4.0 ( The title was changed to " A Drug Combination Screening for Cancer Immune Combination Therapy Development."
  4. Image retrieved from Figure 5 "The role of personalized cancer vaccines and anti-PD therapy in the "Cancer-Immunity Cycle"." Yang et al., 2024, used under CC BY 4.0 ( The title was changed to "Combined Application of Personalized Cancer Vaccines and Anti-PD Therapy."

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