Microbiota-Immune Interactions and CNS Alterations

With unrivaled expertise and experience in immunotherapy discovery and development, Creative Biolabs has developed comprehensive services related brain-Immune-gut based integrative studies for global clients to speed up the project’s development.

Microbiota-Immune Interactions and Central Nervous System (CNS) Alterations

Many studies suggest the existence of cross-talk interaction between the intestinal microbiota, peripheral immune system and CNS, which plays a vital role in basic neurogenerative processes and is critical to maintaining the health of the host. The gut microbiota can influence the development and function of the gut immune system, conversely, the innate and adaptive immune system also influence the composition of the gut microbiota. Specifically, the microbiota can affect different components of the central nervous system, such as regulating brain microglia and astrocytes, mediating neurophysiological processes covering neurodevelopment, neurotransmission, and immune activation of CNS.

Influences of the gut microbiota on different components in the CNS. Fig.1 Influences of the gut microbiota on different components in the CNS. (Ma, 2019)

Microbiota and CNS Disorders

Subsequently, the effects of these microorganisms on immune responses have vital implications for brain inflammation, injury, behavior and brain plasticity, and are increasingly associated with various neuroinflammatory and psychiatric disorders symptoms.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease that exhibits immune-mediated axonal demyelination. Since gut microbiota modulate both innate immune signals and some physiological processes of CNS, it is speculated that microbiota-immune interactions may also control the pathogenesis of MS.

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a well-known neurodegenerative disorder characterized by multifactorial motor symptoms, including tremor, muscle rigidity, slow movement, and abnormal gait. In some case studies, signals in PD may involve spread from gut to brain, and attention to the early pathogenesis of intestinal symptom may improve our understanding of the onset of this disease.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that displays serious CNS dysfunctions in learning, memory, and behavioral issues. Current studies showed that specific species of gut microbiota activate Aβ signaling pathways and contribute to the pathogenesis of AD.

Our Related Platform and Assay Services

To better study the gut-immune-brain axis and the interaction of axis in the CNS disorder, Creative Biolabs provides high-quality in vitro, in vivo models and assay services to help our client meet program requirements. We are dedicated to providing more comprehensive and targeted accurate analysis results and facilitating scientific research. Our scientists and technicians are experienced in every step with high dedication to ensuring accurate outcomes.

For more details on brain-immune-gut-based integrative service, please feel free to contact us to learn how we can be involved in your project.


  1. Ma, Q.; et al. Impact of microbiota on central nervous system and neurological diseases: the gut-brain axis. Journal of neuroinflammation. 2019, 16(1): 1-4.

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