Salmonella Strains-based Ames Fluctuation Test

Creative Biolabs offers Salmonella strains-based Ames fluctuation test service in ADME. This test is a bacterial analysis that has a high predictive value for rodent carcinogenicity tests.

Ames Test

The Ames test is a widely used method for assessing the mutagenic potential of chemical compounds. It was developed by Dr. Bruce Ames and colleagues in the 1970s and is based on the observation that certain strains of Salmonella typhimurium can revert to a histidine-positive phenotype when exposed to mutagens. The test is commonly used as a first step in evaluating the genotoxic risk of chemicals and has been accepted by international organizations.

Fig.1 An image summary of the Ames test process. (Dos Santos, J. L., et al., 2010)Fig.1 A brief summary of the Ames test.1

The Ames test involves exposing the bacterial strains to the test compounds and then observing whether they induce mutations in the bacteria. The test can detect different types of mutations, such as frameshift mutations and base pair substitutions, and is sensitive to chemicals that are carcinogenic to rodents and potentially to humans. While the test is highly sensitive, it may also produce false positives and false negatives, so it is often used in conjunction with other genotoxicity tests for a more comprehensive assessment.

This widely accepted method has several advantages as below:

Salmonella Strains-based Ames Fluctuation Test

Creative Biolabs offers Salmonella strains-based Ames fluctuation test service with four Salmonella strains (TA98; TA100; TA1535; TA1537) with and without metabolic activation by rat liver S9. It is recommended to incubate the samples at 37°C.

Tab.1 Specific information on four Salmonella strains.

Strain Mutation Target DNA R-factor
TA98 hisD3052 CGCGCGCG +R
TA100 hisG46 GGG +R
TA1535 hisG46 GGG -R
TA1537 hisC3076 TAA +R

Ames fluctuation test is a valuable tool for assessing the mutagenic potential of chemical compounds, typically involves the following steps:


If you are interested in the salmonella strains-based Ames fluctuation test, please contact us, and we will provide you with high-quality service as soon as possible. And you might be interested in these related services: High-Throughput ADME, Analysis of Protein Binding, and Analysis of Drug-Drug Interactions.


  1. Dos Santos, J. L., et al. "Mutagenicity of new lead compounds to treat sickle cell disease symptoms in a Salmonella/microsome assay." International journal of molecular sciences 11.2 (2010): 779–788.

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