Strategies for Engineering Cancer Cells

With unrivaled expertise and experiences in various immunotherapy discovery and development, Creative Biolabs specializes in engineering cancer cell-based immunotherapy strategies to best suit your program requirements.

Engineering Cell-based Immunotherapy

Over the past few decades, cell-based immunotherapy as a new generation of cancer medicine shows great promise, mainly because of its potential biocompatibility and involving the interactions between immune dynamic physiological functions. Genetic engineering of T cells, NK cells, iNKT cells, and other immune cells in cancer immunotherapy have achieved encouraging results. Several clinical trials using engineered immune cells with TCRs or CARs have been used in the treatment of various cancer types, from solid tumors to hematologic malignancies.

Schematics of current autologous and allogeneic cell-based cancer immunotherapies. Fig.1 Schematics of current autologous and allogeneic cell-based cancer immunotherapies. (Li, et al., 2021)

Cancer Cell Engineering

To improve the anti-tumor efficacy and reduce the adverse reactions of tumor immunotherapy, the immunotherapies of engineering cancer cells have attracted wide attention. Cancer cell engineering not only offers multiple sources of therapeutic cell products but also creates a multi-functional and flexible platform that is used to perform additional engineering to enhance the antitumor potency. However, the widespread application of cancer cell-based therapies will require a further understanding of the basic mechanisms of cancer development and the relationships between immune cells and cancer cells, as well as the application of new technologies to engineer cancer cells and more precisely improve the efficacy of cancer cell engineering. With the deepening and rapid development of immunotherapy research, cancer cell engineering provides a broad promise for the development of novel, efficient, and safe cancer immunotherapy strategies.

Working with Creative Biolabs

Experienced in immuno-oncology research, Creative Biolabs has robustly developed in vitro and in vivo platforms to provide reproducible custom engineering cancer cell-based immunotherapy strategies for our clients all over the world. Creative Biolabs’ scientists are dedicated to bringing together years of valuable experience to help our clients shorten the pre-clinical study journey, our services include but are not limited to the following topic:

For more details on our cancer cell engineering services, please visit our web for more information. To request other assay services, please feel free to contact us to discuss your project.


  1. Li, Y.R.; et al. Engineering stem cells for cancer immunotherapy. Trends in cancer. 2021, 7(12): 1059-73.

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