Engineering Cancer Cells via Genetic Methods

With advanced technology platforms and extensive expertise, Creative Biolabs specializes in engineering cancer cells via genetic methods for our global clients.

Background of Gene Therapy

Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases surpassed by cardiovascular diseases, due to its genetic basis, the lack of early effective diagnosis, and high relapse rate after conventional treatment. Although chemotherapy can rapidly inhibit the growth of tumor cells, it can also affect normal cells. Therefore, it is of pivotal importance to discover more effective and safe therapy strategies, and gene therapy is one of the suitable options. Gene therapy usually uses various methods to transfect therapeutic or other interest genes into the host cells, causing them to express and produce beneficial biological effects.

Cancer Gene Therapy

Cancer gene therapy involves introducing therapeutic nucleic acids of interest into tumor cells to achieve downstream molecular pathways that ultimately destruct tumor cells. Usually, it needs to be done with an effective delivery vehicle, and the delivery vehicle type (viral or non-viral) chosen relied on the preferred specificity of the gene therapy. The success of gene therapy in cancer treatment not only depends on good molecular strategies but also requires a specific, safe, and efficient gene delivery system. Accordingly, a variety of genetic vectors have been developed for therapeutic nucleic acid delivery. Among them, viral vectors have proven the highest efficiencies but with immunogenicity, while non-viral vectors have shown to be safer when delivering therapeutic nucleic acids in vivo, even if they are less efficient. Therefore, searching for a more efficient, safe, and specific genetic vector continues.

Gene Immunotherapy with altered cancer cells. Fig.1 Gene Immunotherapy with altered cancer cells. (Cross, et al., 2006)

Engineering Cancer Cells via Genetic Methods

Creative Biolabs has focused on cancer immunotherapy research for many years. We provide clients with a range of customized analysis services to speed up the progress of the project. Based on our experience in immuno-oncology and our advanced platform, Creative Biolabs specializes in engineering cancer cells via genetic methods including but not limited to the following assays.

What is more, since the requirements of the project experiment for a specific target will vary, Creative Biolabs will optimize the experimental conditions as much as possible according to your project requirements.

Creative Biolabs is committed to providing tailored services to each project to ensure that the objectives are met or exceeded. For further details, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. Montaño-Samaniego, M.; et al. Strategies for targeting gene therapy in cancer cells with tumor-specific promoters. Frontiers in oncology. 2020, 10: 605380.
  2. Cross, D.; et al. Gene therapy for cancer treatment: past, present and future. Clinical medicine & research. 2006, 4(3): 218-27.

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