Thermodynamic Solubility Testing Service

Why Do Thermodynamic Solubility Testing

Thermodynamic solubility testing is conducted to understand the solubility behavior of a compound under various conditions, primarily to assess its potential for formulation development, drug delivery, and pharmacokinetic properties.

This testing is a fundamental aspect of pharmaceutical development, providing critical data for formulation design, bioavailability prediction, dissolution testing, crystallization studies, and regulatory compliance. It enables rational decision-making in drug development to optimize drug delivery and enhance therapeutic outcomes.

Fig.1 Thermodynamic solubility. (Sou, et al., 2018) Fig.1 Determination of thermodynamic solubility.1

Our Service

Creative Biolabs offers thermodynamic solubility testing services tailored to your specific needs. The following is a detailed introduction to our thermodynamic solubility testing service and the corresponding controls:

Fig.2 Thermodynamic solubility testing process.

These controls can help you minimize experimental variability, validate assay performance, and ensure reliable and reproducible solubility measurements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: When should I start thermodynamic solubility testing?

A1: The timing for starting thermodynamic solubility testing depends on several factors, including the stage of drug development, the goals of the study, and the specific properties of the compound being tested. It's beneficial to start thermodynamic solubility testing as early as possible in the drug development process to guide compound selection, optimization, formulation development, and regulatory submissions.

Q2: What is the turnaround time for thermodynamic solubility testing?

A2: The turnaround time for thermodynamic solubility testing can vary depending on several factors, including the specific experimental techniques used, the complexity of the sample matrix, the number of samples being tested, and the availability of equipment and resources. However, in general, turnaround times for thermodynamic solubility testing can range from a few days to several weeks.

If you have any thermodynamic solubility testing needs, please contact us!


  1. Sou, Tomás, and Christel A S Bergström. "Automated assays for thermodynamic (equilibrium) solubility determination." Drug discovery today. 27 (2018): 11-19.

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