Engineering Cancer Cells by Lentivirus
Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and experienced immunology experts, Creative Biolabs is dedicated to providing engineering cancer cells by lentivirus to facilitate your project’s success.
Background of Lentivectors
Lentivirus belongs to the retroviruses family and can integrate into the host genome to be passed on to cell progeny in the case of division. Lentivirus vectors (LVs) are widely adopted to efficiently construct stable cell lines due to their unique characteristics. It is broadly used for gene delivery both in vivo and in vitro. Lentivirus vectors can deliver stable gene transfer into neurons in vivo. In addition, lentivirus vectors can be used to transduce somatic cells to generate induced pluripotent stem cells. Furthermore, lentivirus vectors have several advantages that make them suitable for use in immunotherapy, whether it is to enhance the immune responses to cancer/infectious diseases or to treat auto-immunity that requires suppression of the immune response.
Lentivectors in Cancer Immunotherapy
In the case of cancer immunotherapy, establishing effective and long-lasting CD8 T cell immunity is crucial to eradicating tumors and eliminating metastases. It is known that viral vectors are one of the most effective tools to enhance T cell strong responses, possibly due to their inherent adjuvant abilities. Lentivirus vectors pose a better option. Firstly, lentivirus vector transduction does not produce antigen deposition at the injection site while stably transduces cells, leading to relatively long-term transgenic expression. More importantly, lentivirus vector delivery can target both the tumor itself and APCs such as dendritic cells (DCs). Intratumor delivery or adjacent injection will ensure that all CTLs are activated at the tumor site, not at the vaccination site. Lentivectors systems have been employed in many immunotherapies, such as the genetic modification of T Cells by lentivectors for adoptive cell immunotherapy, and genetic modification of DCs by lentivectors for cancer immunotherapy.
Fig.1 Synthetic biology approaches. (Page, et al., 2020)
Engineering Cancer Cells by Lentivirus
With the several features of lentivirus vectors, the development of engineering cancer cells by lentivirus vectors is desirable. Based on the advanced platforms and extensive experience in the field of immuno-oncology, Creative Biolabs specializes in engineering cancer cells by lentivirus to help our clients meet their program requirements. We are also experienced in the specialized development of high-complexity assay solutions to support complete custom solutions for biochemical pharma and biotech preclinical research.
Creative Biolabs is dedicated to providing a series of synthetic gene circuits for cancer immunotherapy-related services, including but not limited to:
If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us for more detailed information. We are always pleased to help customers quickly and easily.
Page, A.; et al. Toward tightly tuned gene expression following lentiviral vector transduction. Viruses. 2020, 12(12): 1427.
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