Enzyme Inhibition Assessment Service

Enzyme Inhibition in Drug-Drug Interactions

Understanding drug-drug interactions is crucial for ensuring safe and effective drug therapy. These interactions can either potentiate or attenuate the therapeutic effect of drugs, leading to either improved or worsened patient outcomes. One of the mechanisms through which drug-drug interactions occur is through enzyme inhibition. Enzymes play a pivotal role in drug metabolism. Co-administration of two drugs may cause one drug or both to inhibit the activity of an enzyme involved in the metabolism of the other drug, thus leading to significant changes in drug concentrations and pharmacological effects.

Fig.1 Mechanism of CYP450 enzyme inhibition. (Creative Biolabs Original)

Enzyme Inhibition Assays

At Creative Biolabs, we provide a wide range of enzyme inhibition assays to assess drug-drug interactions. Our team of experts has extensive experience in performing cytochrome P450 (CYP) inhibition assays, UGT inhibition assays, and other enzyme inhibition assays. These assays can provide valuable insights into the pharmacokinetic properties of drugs and their potential for interactions with other drugs.

Fig.2 CYP inhibition assay. (Abduraman, et al., 2022)Fig.2 The workflow of CYP inhibition assay.2


  1. Deodhar, Malavika, et al. "Mechanisms of CYP450 inhibition: understanding drug-drug interactions due to mechanism-based inhibition in clinical practice." Pharmaceutics 12.9 (2020): 846.
  2. Abduraman, Muhammad Asyraf, et al. "Optimization of the CYP inhibition assay using LC-MS/MS." MethodsX 9 (2022): 101827.

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