Tumor Cell Ferroptosis Services
Creative Biolabs provides reliable, rapid, and cost-effective analysis of tumor ferroptosis based on a highly stable, repeatable, and sensitive system for the isolation, characterization, identification, and quantitative analysis. Our tumor cell ferroptosis analysis platform can be used to determine the control structure and analysis of regulatory networks of metabolic pathways of ferroptosis in tumors.
Introduction to Tumor Cell Ferroptosis
The aberrant regulatory mechanism of ferroptosis is closely associated with the pathological state of malignant tumors. Therefore, elucidating the mechanism of ferroptosis is anticipated to offer a novel molecular target for the treatment of related diseases. Concurrently, inducing ferroptosis has also emerged as a promising approach for treating refractory cancers. The occurrence and execution of ferroptosis are influenced by a variety of factors, including iron metabolism, amino acid metabolism, lipid metabolism, glutathione metabolism, and the mevalonate pathway. Creative Biolabs offers tumor ferroptosis analysis services aimed at conducting a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of small molecule compounds related to ferroptosis in tumor cells and tissues. Our services can investigate the mechanism of tumor ferroptosis under internal or external stimuli. In recent years, we have also integrated genome, transcriptome, and proteomics to comprehensively study all relevant metabolic systems.
Fig.1 Ferroptosis in Cancer Immunotherapy.1
Based on our latest innovations in NMR, LC-MS, and GC-MS technologies, Creative Biolabs remains the leader in integrated metabolomics solutions. Our system can be applied to a wide range of targeted and non-targeted tumor ferroptosis studies. Moreover, Creative Biolabs has a wealth of hardware and software systems to help you use the metabolomics approach for the overall analysis of tumor ferroptosis metabolites. For instance, we can use spectral/mass spectrometry techniques combined with multivariate statistical methods to evaluate the molecular response to tumor ferroptosis.
Creative Biolabs provides the analysis of DHODH-mediated ferroptosis regulation in mitochondria. Using a total metabolomics analysis system, we treated various cancer cells with different ferroptosis inhibitors to observe changes in the substrates and products of DHODH, DHO, and OA. We can offer services for genetic interaction analysis between DHODH and ferroptosis metabolic intermediates. Also, we can provide validation services for potential DHODH inhibitors by generating specific tumor models.
Fig.2 Ferroptosis in Cancer Inhibition.2
Discovering entirely new ways in which tumor cells acquire resistance will allow us to design drugs that target this mechanism. We have tried to develop lead drugs that indirectly target this new tumor ferroptosis mechanism and are in the process of validating their effectiveness. As a result, we already have extensive experience and proven ferroptosis evasion analysis technology to help our customers identify new mechanisms by which cancer cells escape ferroptosis.
Nowadays, we have established a ferroptosis tumor-related pathway analysis platform, focusing on four major pathways: System XC-GSH-GPX4 pathway, NADH-FSP1-CoQ10 pathway, GCH1-BH4-DHFR pathway, and DHODH-CoQH2 pathway. In our labs, we used the same incubation sample to generate quantitative and qualitative data from tumor ferroptosis metabolic stability and metabolite "soft spot" experiments, respectively. Furthermore, we can provide PK data and plasma samples for in vivo tumor ferroptosis metabolite analysis. Besides, we can also screen out the main metabolic enzymes involved in ferroptosis metabolism through metabolic pathway identification testing assay, and calculate their absolute or relative contributions, to evaluate the possible metabolic interactions.
The pathway crosstalk mechanism of ferroptosis and anti-tumor activity in tumor microenvironment has been investigated by our scientists. We can reveal the interaction between ferroptosis and anti-tumor immunity and the interaction of pathway regulation from the two perspectives of tumor cells and tumor-infiltrating immune cells, and help clients explore the prospects and challenges of ferroptosis in tumor immunotherapy.
Creative Biolabs' tumor cell ferroptosis analysis platform is equipped with multiple sets of advanced metabolomics analysis instruments, which can provide detection and analysis services on non-targeted metabolomics, targeted metabolomics, lipidomics, drug pharmacokinetics, absolute quantification of DNA modification, absolute quantification of amino acids, and metabolic pathways related to ferroptosis. If you are interested in our services, please contact us or send us an inquiry.
Zhang, Chen, et al. "Ferroptosis in cancer therapy: a novel approach to reversing drug resistance." Molecular cancer 21.1 (2022): 47.
Wu, Shuang, et al. "Ferroptosis and cancer: complex relationship and potential application of exosomes." Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9 (2021): 733751.
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