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- Staphylococcus aureus related Antibody Discovery
Staphylococcus aureus related Antibody Discovery Services
Creative Biolabs provides customized antibody development services for multiple Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) surface protein based on our advanced antibody discovery and engineering platforms. Our professional scientists have extensive experience in antibody manufacturing in either research quantities or in large scale for industrial applications.
S. aureus Infection
S. aureus is one of the most important Gram-positive pathogens for humans and animals, causing diseases ranging from superficial skin infections to severe diseases such as bacteremia, endocarditis, pneumonia, and septic arthritis. S. aureus pneumonia is one of the most common invasive diseases, accounting for approximately 15% of documented invasive Staphylococcal infections worldwide. Up to one-half of Staphylococcal pneumonia isolates are classified as Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus (MRSA). The current grim situation is badly in need of alternative options to treat or prevent serious S. aureus infections.
Fig.1 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Bacteria. (Defres, 2009)
Surface Protein of S. aureus
It has been proved that antibodies against certain bacterial surface components are helpful in fighting against S. aureus infection, and therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for S.aureus infections are being developed directly against surface proteins, including ClfA, IsdB, SpA, SasA and PBP2a. Among them, PBP-2a is induced by β-lactam antibiotics and has a very low affinity, which can evade the effects of antibiotics. Anti-PBP2a mAbs have been used in vitro diagnosis of MRSA strains. Moreover, the secreted peptides and toxins like Alpha-Toxin(AT) play important roles in the pathogenesis. Although their location are not on the surface of S. aureus, which are beyond our consideration in designing Antibody-Antibiotic Conjugate (AAC), we are more than happy to provide you customized antibodies targeted on special secreted components on S. aureus upon your request.
Fig.2 Whole view of S. aureus and its components. (Sause, 2016)
Antibody Development for Antibody–antibiotic Conjugate (AAC)
Increasing disease burden together with declining potency of traditional antimicrobials has heightened the need for novel therapeutic strategies to combat diseases caused by S.aureus. One possible strategy to improve the current situation is to combine an approach designed to enhance the host immune response with antibiotic therapy against the multidrug-resistance (MDR) pathogen. In fact, a novel therapeutic modality as mentioned above has emerged, antibody–antibiotic conjugate (AAC), which is currently being investigated as a potential therapeutic against severe S. aureus infections.
With years of experience in antibody discovery and engineering field, Creative Biolabs provides a full range of antibody development services for our clients to promote you AAC project. Please feel free to contact us for more details.
- Defres, S.; et al. (2009). MRSA as a cause of lung infection including airway infection, community-acquired pneumonia and hospital-acquired pneumonia. European Respiratory Journal, 34(6), 1470-1476.
- Sause, W. E.; et al. (2016). Antibody-based biologics and their promise to combat Staphylococcus aureus infections. Trends in pharmacological sciences, 37(3), 231-241.
For Research Use Only. NOT FOR CLINICAL USE.

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