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  5. Anti-CD22 (Pinatuzumab)-MC-MMAF ADC

Anti-CD22 (Pinatuzumab)-MC-MMAF ADC (CAT#: ADC-W-2534)

This ADC product is comprised of an anti-CD22 monoclonal antibody conjugated via a MC linker to MMAF. The MMAF is targeted to certain cancers by immunerecognition and delivered into cancer cells via receptor mediated endocytosis. Within the cell, MMAF binds to tubulins, interrupts microtubule dynamics, and subsequently, induces cell death.

  • ADC Target
  • ADC Antibody
  • ADC Linker
  • ADC payload drug
  • Name
  • CD22
  • Alternative Names
  • CD22; CD22 molecule; CD22 antigen; B-cell receptor CD22; sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 2; SIGLEC 2; SIGLEC2; BL-CAM; T-cell surface antigen Leu-14; B-lymphocyte cell adhesion molecule; sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 2; sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 2; SIGLEC-2; FLJ22814; MGC130020;
  • Target Entrez Gene ID
  • 933
  • Overview
  • CD22, or cluster of differentiation-22, is a molecule belonging to the SIGLEC family of lectins. It is found on the surface of mature B cells and to a lesser extent on some immature B cells. Generally speaking, CD22 is a regulatory molecule that prevents the overactivation of the immune system and the development of autoimmune diseases. CD22 is a sugar binding transmembrane protein, which specifically binds sialic acid with an immunoglobulin (Ig) domain located at its N-terminus. The presence of Ig domains makes CD22 a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily. CD22 functions as an inhibitory receptor for B cell receptor (BCR) signaling. It is also involved in the B cell trafficking to Peyer's patches in mice.
  • Overview
  • Humanized Anti-CD22 IgG1-kappa antibody, Pinatuzumab
  • Generic name
  • Pinatuzumab
  • Host animal
  • Mouse
  • Name
  • MC (maleimidocaproyl)
  • Description
  • Noncleavable linkers, is considered noncleavable-meaning linker cleavage, and payload release does not depend on the differential properties between the plasma and some cytoplasmic compartments. Instead, the release of the cytotoxic drug is postulated to occur after internalization of the ADC via antigen-mediated endocytosis and delivery to lysosomal compartment, where the antibody is degraded to the level of amino acids through intracellular proteolytic degradation.
  • Name
  • MMAF
  • Description
  • Derived from Auristatin,are water-soluble dolastatin analogs of dolastatin 10. Dolastatin 10 belongs to dolastatin family and it can powerfully bind to tubulin, thus inhibiting polymerization mediated through the binding to the vinca alkaloid binding domain, and causes cell to accumulate in metaphase arrest.

For Research Use Only. NOT FOR CLINICAL USE.

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