Engineering Cancer Cells by Retrovirus
With unrivaled expertise and experiences in immune-oncology discovery and development, Creative Biolabs is confident in providing an integrated solution for engineering cancer cells by retrovirus to best suit your program requirements.
Introduction of Cancer Gene Therapy
Cancer treatment remains one of the greatest challenges facing the field of medical research and biotechnology. Due to the heterogeneity of cancer, presenting different genetic and phenotypic characteristics in different tumor types, make the diagnosis and curing complex. Advances in molecular technologies have driven the discovery of many disease-associated gene mutations, as well as accelerating the development of new therapeutic strategies, such as targeting specific cell pathways using small molecules and re-targeting immune cells using retroviral vectors to identify and destruct tumor cells.
Retroviral Gene Therapy for Cancer
The use of retroviral gene therapy represents a significant technological advancement that combines the potential for efficient gene transfer with site-specific gene modification. A retroviral vector is a safe and effective tool that can be used to enhance the antitumor activity of immune cells, or protect sensitive cell populations (such as HSC) from the toxic effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In addition, retrovirus-mediated gene transfer has allowed the efficient production of T cells engineered with chimeric antigen receptors (CARs), which have shown remarkable success in hematological malignancies’ treatment. As a safety concern, target cells can be co-transduced with suicide genes to avoid adverse effects, such as cell transformation or cytokine storm induction.
Fig. 1 Overview of retroviral vector use in cancer therapy. (Solly, et al., 2003)
Engineering Cancer Cells by Retrovirus
In multiple (disseminated or metastatic) tumors, the development of retrovirus transduction of cancer cell lines is desirable based on its safety and high efficiency. To better study the potential of retroviral transduction for cancer cell lines, Creative Biolabs has been dedicated to providing engineering cancer cells by retrovirus-related services to help our clients meet their program requirements. We are experienced in the specialized development of high-complexity assay solutions to support complete custom solutions for biochemical pharma and biotech preclinical research.
Features of Our Service:
Our portfolio covers comprehensive tumor cell types.
The compelling offering of expertise and customized solutions.
Highly reproducible assays for potency for immunotherapy drug discovery and development.
Moreover, our strategies for engineering cancer cells portfolio services for research include but are not limited to:
For more details on our strategies for engineering cancer cells portfolio services, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
Solly, S.K.; et al. Replicative retroviral vectors for cancer gene therapy. Cancer gene therapy. 2003, 10(1): 30-9.
Zheng, X.; et al. Retroviral transduction of cancer cell lines with the gene encoding Drosophila melanogaster multisubstrate deoxyribonucleoside kinase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2000, 275(50): 39125-9.
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