Small Animal In Vivo PK Service

Why Do Small Animals In Vivo PK

Small Animal In Vivo PK typically refers to conducting pharmacokinetic (PK) studies in small animal models. These studies involve investigating how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted within the bodies of small animals, such as mice, rats, or rabbits. Small animal in vivo PK offers researchers a valuable resource for conducting preclinical pharmacokinetic studies to assess the behavior of drug candidates in small animal models, which can inform drug development decisions and optimize dosing strategies for subsequent efficacy and safety evaluations.

Fig.1 Mouse. (Wikipedia Fig.1 Mouse model.1

Our Service

Creative Biolabs provides one-stop in vivo drug research services for small animal models, including project design, model selection, dosing methods, index detection and data analysis. We assist you from the start of your project to achieve the corresponding experimental goals. Here's a closer look at the process of our small animals in vivo PK service:

Study Design

Creative Biolabs helps design the PK study based on the specific requirements of the drug candidate and research objectives. This includes determining factors such as dosage levels, route of administration (e.g., oral, intravenous, intraperitoneal), sampling time points, and analytical methods for drug quantification.

Animal Models

Creative Biolabs generally offers mouse or rat models due to their small size, ease of handling, and relatively low cost. However, depending on the research needs, other small animal species like rabbits or guinea pigs may also be used. The choice of animal model depends on factors such as the drug's intended therapeutic area, metabolism, and availability of genetically modified strains for specific research purposes.

Drug Administration

Creative Biolabs administers the drug to the animals according to the study protocol. This may involve various routes of administration, such as oral gavage, intravenous injection, subcutaneous injection, or intraperitoneal injection, depending on the characteristics of the drug being tested.

Blood Sampling

Blood samples are collected from the animals at specified time points following drug administration. These samples are then processed to separate plasma or serum for subsequent analysis of drug concentrations.

Analytical Assays

Creative Biolabs uses analytical techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to determine the concentration of drugs in collected blood samples.

Data Analysis

Creative Biolabs performs pharmacokinetic data analysis to calculate important parameters such as area under the curve (AUC), maximum plasma concentration (Cmax), time to reach maximum concentration (Tmax), half-life (t1/2), clearance, and volume of distribution.


Creative Biolabs delivers a comprehensive report summarizing the experimental procedures, results, and interpretation of pharmacokinetic data. This report may include recommendations for further studies or adjustments to dosing regimens based on the findings.

Applications of Small Animal Model

Fig.2 Applications of small animal model.

Why Choose Creative Biolabs

Fig.3 Our advantages.

Frequently Asked Question

Q1: How to choose a small animal in the PK study?

A1: Choosing the right small animal for a pharmacokinetic (PK) study depends on several factors including the specific objectives of the study, the properties of the drug being tested, and practical considerations such as availability, cost, and ethical considerations. You can contact our experts for some exact advice.

Q2: When do I need to do small animal PK testing?

A2: Small animal pharmacokinetic (PK) testing is typically conducted during the early stages of drug development, particularly in the preclinical phase.

In addition to small animal in vivo PK services, Creative Biolabs also offers other animal models that can be used for in vivo pharmacokinetic studies. You can click here for more information, and you can also contact our technicians directly for exact project information.

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