Large Animal In Vivo PK Service

Large Animal In Vivo PK

Large animal in vivo pharmacokinetics (PK) refers to studies conducted in animals such as dogs, pigs, or non-human primates to assess how a drug behaves within their bodies. These studies are often conducted before human trials to gather data on the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of a drug candidate in a more complex biological system than can be achieved in vitro. Large animal studies can provide valuable insights into the pharmacokinetic profile of a drug, helping researchers optimize dosing regimens and predict how the drug will behave in human subjects. They also serve to identify any potential safety concerns or adverse effects early in the drug development process.

Our Service

Large animal pharmacokinetic studies play a critical role in the preclinical evaluation of drug candidates, informing subsequent human clinical trials and contributing to the development of safe and effective medications. From rationalized turnaround times to different routes of administration, Creative Biolabs helps you design customized in vivo PK schedules and antibody and protein studies. We help you minimize the risk of adverse events as your experiment progresses and maximize the likelihood of success in your drug development program.

Dogs, non-human primates (NHPs), pigs, rabbits, and ferrets

Absorption: The speed and integrity of the drug's absorption into the bloodstream.

Distribution: How the drug is distributed in the tissues and organs of the body, including its penetration into the target tissues.

Metabolism: How the drug is metabolized (broken down) by enzymes in the body, often in the liver, into different compounds.

Excretion: How drugs and their metabolites are excreted from the body.

Large-scale animal PK studies

Animals are stocked to shorten the preparation time for experiments

State-of-the-art individual animal file tracking system

Non-human primates are in abundant supply

Husbandry following international standards

Professional zoology specialist

In addition to in vivo PK services for large animals, we also offer small animals for you to choose from. You can click here for more information!

Applications of Large Animal Model

Fig.1 Applications of large animal in in vivo PK.

Why Choose Creative Biolabs

As a trusted partner, Creative Biolabs provides a one-stop shop for DMPK services to support your antibody and protein development. We offer a full range of large animal PK studies, including canines, non-human primates (NHP), pigs, and rabbits. From bioanalysis to metabolite analysis and identification, tissue distribution, to comprehensive toxicological safety assessment services. Our experts will provide you with insights, design studies, guide experimental progress, and deliver reliable experimental results and data analysis.

Fig.2 Our advantages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is large animal pharmacokinetic studies?

A1: Large animal pharmacokinetic studies involve investigating how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated within the bodies of animals such as dogs, pigs, or non-human primates. These studies are conducted in living organisms to simulate how the drug might behave in humans more closely than in vitro (lab-based) experiments.

Q2: When do I need to do large animal PK testing?

A2: Large animal pharmacokinetic (PK) testing is typically conducted during the preclinical development phase of a new drug or therapeutic agent.

You can always trust Creative Biolabs and deliver your project to us. If you have any needs for In vivo PK, please contact us now.

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