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Activated NK Cell Injection Cell Development Service

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Creative Biolabs is a global leader in the development and optimization of allogeneic NK cell therapies. Our scientists are proud to offer activated NK cell injection cell development service, utilizing advanced allogeneic NK cell activation and expansion technologies. Our team of experts is dedicated to advancing the field of immunotherapy and providing cutting-edge solutions for researchers in need.

Activated NK Cell Injection Cell Development Process

Creative Biolabs offers a comprehensive allogeneic-activated NK cell development service, a groundbreaking service that leverages the power of NK cells for cancer research. The production of activated NK cells starts with isolating pure primary NK cells from the peripheral blood of healthy donors, guaranteeing a dependable and high-quality source material. The NK cells undergo a unique activation and expansion process. These cells are then collected and cryopreserved. Through careful cultivation and optimization of culture conditions, we can ensure the quality and functionality of these highly potent immune cells. Our process not only increases the number of NK cells but also enhances their cytotoxicity and anti-tumor capabilities, providing a powerful tool for combating a range of diseases.

Activated NK Cell Technology Platform

At Creative Biolabs, our allogeneic-activated NK cell platform combines cutting-edge activation and expansion technologies, advanced cryopreservation methods, efficient thawing techniques, and innovative modification strategies. This platform offers a promising off-the-shelf approach that can provide a readily available source of NK cells, making them ideal for the treatment of solid tumors.

  • Our activation and expansion technologies enable the expansion of peripheral blood-derived NK cells by thousands-fold amplification to enhance their therapeutic potential. This process can generate thousands of doses from a single donor, ensuring scalability and efficiency in treatment production.
  • Creative Biolabs incorporates state-of-the-art cryopreservation techniques to ensure the long-term stability of activated NK Cells. Our specialized cryopreservation methods allow the cells to be effectively frozen without compromising their functionality or potency. When it comes to thawing techniques, our experts have perfected the process to guarantee optimal cell recovery and viability post-thaw.
  • Our service extends to modification techniques, including the integration of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) technology into NK Cells (CAR-NK). By engineering CAR-NK Cells, we enhance their specificity and potency in targeting cancer cells. This innovative approach maximizes the therapeutic potential of allogeneic NK cells, providing promise for personalized and precise cancer immunotherapy strategies.

Superiority of Activated NK Cells

  • High purity of NK cells: Activated NK cells consist of NK cells with a 95% purity level.
  • Larger production: Using our proprietary culturing technology, the NK cells are harvested with thousands-fold amplification.
  • Enhanced antitumor activity: Activated NK cells exhibit enhanced cytotoxicity and improved antitumor activity.
  • Improved immune activity: Activated NK cells exhibit abundant cytokine secretion.


  1. Liu, Chuanling, et al. "Sufficiently activated mature natural killer cells derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells substantially enhance antitumor activity." Immunity, Inflammation and Disease 12.1 (2024): e1143.
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