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Allogeneic Antibody-Cell Conjugation Cell Development Service

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Immunotherapy has revolutionized cancer treatment, offering personalized and potent therapeutic options. However, challenges remain, such as high manufacturing costs and scalability issues associated with genetically modified therapies. To address these, Creative Biolabs introduces an innovative approach with our Allogeneic Antibody-Cell Conjugation (ACC) Cell Development Service. This cutting-edge platform leverages the principles of ACC technology to create potent, off-the-shelf cell therapies by conjugating tumor-targeting antibodies directly onto the surface of immune cells.

Our Allogeneic Antibody-Cell Conjugation Cell Development Service

Creative Biolabs offers a comprehensive development service for allogeneic ACC cells, designed to provide efficient, scalable, and safe cellular therapies. By utilizing our proprietary ACC technology, we eliminate the necessity for genetic modifications, thereby reducing production complexities and associated costs. Our ACC cell development services are harnessed to fortify innate immune cells, such as natural killer (NK) cells and gamma delta (γδ) T cells, with tumor-targeting antibodies. This innovative approach offers superior cellular therapies that can recognize and eliminate cancer cells without the drawbacks of genetic modifications.

Fig.1 ACC technology. (Ma, et al., 2023)Fig.1 Schematic of ACC technology.1

Service Workflow

Creative Biolabs is dedicated to developing a one-stop service for allogeneic antibody-cell coupling cell development, where we provide comprehensive and rigorous detail control at every step involved.

Unique Features of Our Technology

  • Simplicity and Efficiency

Our ACC technology employs a straightforward chemical coupling method to attach tumor-targeting antibodies to cell surface proteins. Unlike chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy, ACC does not require time-intensive genetic modifications, thereby significantly reducing the manufacturing timeline and costs.

  • High Affinity and Specificity

The ACC technology at Creative Biolabs is designed to provide high affinity and specificity. The covalent bonding of aptamers ensures sustained high affinity of antibody-conjugated effector cells towards tumor cells, leveraging immune activation receptors and activating signaling pathways such as NFAT.

  • Versatility and Adaptability

The "plug and play" nature of ACC technology allows any antibody new or existing to be conjugated to the stimulatory surface receptors of our allogeneic immune cells. This modularity extends the application of ACC technology beyond oncology, potentially benefitting various immunological indications.

Scientific Data

Preclinical studies provide compelling evidence of the efficacy of ACC cells. In vivo, these ACC cells exhibited potent anti-lymphoma activity in xenograft mouse models, prolonging survival and showing significantly enhanced cytotoxicity compared to non-conjugated cell therapies. For instance, ACE1831, a CD20-targeting γδ T cell product, showed superior performance against Rituximab-resistant lymphoma models, emphasizing its robust clinical potential.

Fig.2 Potency of ACE1831 in vivo. (Li, et al., 2023) Fig.2 The superior potency of ACE1831 against CD20-expressing cancer cells in vivo.2

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What types of cancers can ACC technology target?

A1: ACC technology is versatile and can be tailored to target a variety of hematological malignancies and solid tumors. Our CD20-targeting and HER2-targeting ACC products exemplify its broad applicability.

Q2: How does ACC technology compare to traditional CAR-T therapy?

A2: Unlike CAR-T therapy, which requires time-consuming and costly genetic modification, ACC technology employs a rapid chemical conjugation process. This not only reduces production time and costs but also minimizes potential safety concerns associated with genetic modifications.

Q3: What are the safety considerations of ACC technology?

A3: ACC technology ensures high specificity and selectivity of antibody binding, significantly reducing off-target effects. The stable conjugation of antibodies to immune cells provides reliable therapeutic performance while maintaining the safety profile.

Creative Biolabs' Allogeneic Antibody-Cell Conjugation Cell Development Service represents a significant advancement in cancer immunotherapy. By leveraging the unique features of ACC technology, we provide a robust, scalable, and cost-effective solution for the development of powerful anti-cancer therapies.


  1. Ma, Xiaoxuan, et al. "Advances in research based on antibody-cell conjugation." Frontiers in Immunology 14 (2023): 1310130.
  2. Li, Hao-Kang, et al. "A novel allogeneic rituximab-conjugated gamma delta T cell therapy for the treatment of relapsed/refractory B-cell lymphoma." Cancers 15.19 (2023): 4844.
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