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Allogeneic Deactivated Cas9 Gene Editing Cell Development Service

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Instead of cutting the DNA, the deactivated Cas9 enzyme can be used to bind to specific gene sequences without causing any damage. This binding can be used to regulate gene expression or target specific genes for activation or repression. Creative Biolabs offers the allogeneic deactivated Cas9 gene-edited cell development service for precise and efficient gene editing in eukaryotic cells. By using deactivated Cas9 protein, we ensure the safety and accuracy of the editing process, minimize off-target effects, and maximize the success rate of the experiment. Our experienced team can customize cell lines to meet your specific research needs, whether for basic cell research or drug development projects.

Deactivated Cas9 Gene Editing: Valuable Tool in Genetic Research

As a form of genome editing, inactivated Cas9 gene editing uses a modified version of the Cas9 enzyme. Traditional Cas9 enzymes are responsible for the cleavage of DNA in target organisms, allowing the insertion or deletion of specific genes. However, in inactivated Cas9 gene editing, the Cas9 enzyme is altered so that it can no longer be cleaved in DNA. The inactivated Cas9 enzyme can be used to bind to specific gene sequences instead of cleaving DNA. This binding can be used to regulate gene expression or target specific genes for activation or repression.

Fig.1 Deactivated Cas9. (Wang, Chengkun et al., 2022) Fig.1 A schematic model of deactivated Cas9.1

Allogeneic Deactivated Cas9 Gene Editing Cell Development Service at Creative Biolabs

By using the deactivated form of the Cas9 enzyme, Creative Biolabs ensures that gene editing has no risk of off-target effects or accidental mutations. This technology is particularly useful for cell therapy, which can be used to correct genetic defects and treat various diseases. With extensive experience and a deep background in cell therapy, Creative Biolabs can help you easily develop custom cell lines for use in a wide range of disease research. Overall, Creative Biolabs' allogeneic inactivated Cas9 gene-edited cell development services provide a powerful and efficient tool for advancing genetic research and therapeutic interventions.


Specific Details of Our Service

  • Sample collection

The first step could include blood samples, tissue samples, or any other relevant biological material.

  • Isolation of cells

The cells that will be edited using allogeneic deactivated Cas9 technology are isolated from the collected samples. This step could involve techniques such as cell sorting or centrifugation.

  • Deactivation of Cas9

Once the cells are isolated, the Cas9 enzyme is deactivated using a process that eliminates its gene-editing capabilities.

  • Editing of target genes

Identify the target gene and make the necessary changes using the inactivated Cas9 enzyme. This step involves adding, deleting, or modifying specific sequences in the DNA.

  • Validation of editing

After the gene editing has been performed, the edited cells are validated to ensure that the desired changes have been made successfully. This step includes techniques such as PCR or sequencing to confirm the presence of the edited sequence.

  • Expansion of edited cells

Once the editing has been validated, the edited cells are expanded in culture to generate a large enough population for further testing or use in therapies.

  • Quality control and testing

Throughout the process, quality control is necessary to ensure the safety and efficacy of the edited cells. This could involve tests for genetic stability, viability, or functionality of the edited cells.

Advantages of Allogeneic Deactivated Cas9 Gene Editing CAR-T Cell

Reduced risk of off-target effects

Allogeneic deactivated Cas9 gene editing can help minimize the risk of off-target effects, as it allows for precise and targeted editing of the CAR-T cells.

Improved safety profile

By deactivating the Cas9 enzyme after gene editing, the risk of unintended mutations or genomic instability in the CAR-T cells is reduced.

Scalability and manufacturing efficiency

Allogeneic CAR-T cell therapies can be mass-produced, providing a more scalable and cost-effective solution.

Enhanced potency and persistence

Deactivated Cas9 gene editing can be used to enhance the potency and persistence of CAR-T cells, improving their ability to target and kill cancer cells effectively over a longer period.

Contact Us

To learn more about our cutting-edge allogeneic deactivated Cas9 gene editing CAR-T cell development service and how it can revolutionize the field of cell therapy, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts is readily available to provide you with detailed information, answer any questions you may have, and explore how this innovative technology can benefit your research or clinical needs. Get in touch with us today to discover the endless possibilities that our service can offer.


  1. Wang, Chengkun et al. "dCas9-based gene editing for cleavage-free genomic knock-in of long sequences." Nature cell biology vol. 24,2 (2022): 268-278.
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