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Allogeneic Dual NK Cell Development Service

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Natural Killer (NK) Cell therapy is an innovative and promising approach in the fight against cancer and autoimmune diseases. Creative Biolabs has pioneered efforts to merge allogeneic NK cell strategies with bispecific antibody technologies to create potent, versatile therapeutic solutions.

Our Allogeneic Dual NK Cell Development Service

At Creative Biolabs, our Allogeneic Dual NK Cell Development Service brings together the potent capabilities of allogeneic NK cells and efficient bispecific antibodies to redirect and trigger the killing activity of NK cells. This integrated approach aims to enhance therapeutic responses and address significant unmet needs in oncology.

Allogeneic NK Strategy

Allogeneic NK cell therapy involves using NK cells derived from donors, which are engineered to minimize the risk of rejection and enhance their cancer-fighting capabilities. Using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), we generate a sustainable and scalable supply of these cells, ensuring a standardized "off-the-shelf" solution for broad clinical applications. Genetically engineering these NK cells allows for the inclusion of Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs) and the exclusion of inhibitory signals, optimizing their ability to locate and destroy cancer cells.

CellRapeutics™ Bispecific Antibody Strategy

CellRapeutics™ bispecific antibodies are designed to enhance the targeting and cytotoxicity of NK cells. These next-generation antibodies utilize a proprietary tetravalent, multifunctional format with a flexible linker, which is capable of simultaneously binding to specific tumor antigens on one end and NK cell receptors (such as NKp46) on the other, thereby directing NK cells towards the tumor targets and amplifying their killing activity.

Service Details

Sourcing and Reprogramming iPSCs

We begin with sourcing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from adult cells, such as skin or blood. These iPSCs are reprogrammed back into an undefined state, allowing their subsequent development into any desired cell type.

Genetic Engineering

Our genetic engineering methodologies involve precisely "knocking in" desirable traits and "knocking-out" inhibitory signals. This step includes the addition of Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs) as necessary to complement NK cells' natural ability to identify cancer cells. iPSCs are then differentiated into NK cells that retain these genetic modifications.

Master Cell Banking

Selected stem cell clones with the required genetic modifications are added to our master cell bank. They are cryopreserved for future use, guaranteeing an unlimited supply of uniformly edited NK cells.

Production and Differentiation

From our master cell bank, we differentiate and expand these NK cells on-demand to meet clinical requirements. These optimized NK cells, now called iNK or CAR-iNK cells, are ready for clinical application.

Integration with CellRapeutics™ Bispecific Antibodies

Our dual-NK platform includes the production of CellRapeutics™ bispecific antibodies, designed to further activate NK cells at the tumor site. These antibodies can be used as monotherapy for patients with adequate NK status or in combination with iNK cells for enhanced effectiveness in advanced disease stages.

Highlights of Combined Strategies

  • Enhanced Antitumor Activity
  • Increased Versatility and Potency
  • Safety and Scalability

Related Services

Creative Biolabs offers a spectrum of related services, including but not limited to:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How do allogeneic NK cells differ from autologous NK cells?

A1: Allogeneic NK cells are derived from healthy donors and engineered to reduce the risk of rejection, while autologous NK cells come from the patient's own body. The allogeneic approach provides a standardized, readily available cell source.

Q2: What safety measures are taken in the development of these therapies?

A2: Extensive preclinical studies, including pharmacokinetics and toxicity assessments in animal models, are conducted to ensure the safety and efficacy of the therapies before moving to clinical trials.

Creative Biolabs is committed to advancing cancer immunotherapy with innovative approaches that combine cutting-edge genetic engineering and antibody technologies. Our allogeneic dual NK cell development service provides potent, versatile therapeutic options aimed at improving patient outcomes in the fight against cancer and autoimmune diseases.

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