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Allogeneic Engineering NK Cell Development Service

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Natural Killer (NK) cells have emerged as pivotal components of cancer immunotherapy due to their innate ability to identify and eliminate malignant cells without prior sensitization. Recent advancements in genetic engineering have allowed for the development of allogeneic NK cell therapies, which overcome many limitations associated with autologous approaches. Creative Biolabs is at the forefront of these cutting-edge technologies, leveraging a wealth of experience in the field to deliver comprehensive allogeneic engineering NK cell development services.

Our Allogeneic Engineering NK Cell Development Service

Creative Biolabs provides the one-stop allogeneic engineering NK cell development service that maximizes the cytotoxic potential, metabolic health, and persistence of engineered NK cells. The service is designed to create potential off-the-shelf NK cell therapies with wide applicability across various targets and cancer types. Our service integrates innovative gene-editing techniques and adjunctive therapies to enhance NK cell functionality.

Featured Strategies Used in Allogeneic Engineering NK Cell Development Service

Fig.1 Engineering strategies. (Page, et al., 2024)Fig.1 NK cells engineering strategies.1

  • Gene Editing for Superior NK Cell Functionality

The platform employs sophisticated gene-editing techniques to optimize NK cell functionality. Notable strategies include the knockout of the CISH gene to improve metabolic fitness, proliferation, and in vivo persistence. Meanwhile, inhibitory receptors such as PD-1, TIGIT, and CTLA-4 are targeted for KO to overcome exhaustion and immune invasion within the tumor microenvironment (TME).

  • Targeting Death Receptor Pathway

Creative Biolabs has engineered a membrane-bound TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand variant (TRAILv) with high affinity, which targets death receptors DR4 or DR5 in tumor cells. This strategy leverages the natural cytotoxic abilities of NK cells, adding an extrinsic pathway driver to enhance the overall anti-tumor efficacy.

  • Chemokine Receptor Engineering

NK cell therapies often face challenges related to poor infiltration into tumors. By overexpressing or engineering chemokine receptors such as CXCR2 and CXCR4, Creative Biolabs enhances NK cell migration and homing to tumor sites, thereby improving therapeutic outcomes.

  • Enhancing Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC)

The expression of high-affinity CD16 receptors on NK cells significantly boosts their ADCC potential. This enables NK cells to more effectively mediate the destruction of tumor cells in the presence of monoclonal antibodies, enhancing overall therapeutic efficacy.

Service Details and Workflow

Creative Biolabs' comprehensive workflow ensures high-quality engineered NK cell development, tailored to meet specific therapeutic requirements.

Scientific Backing

The efficacy of allogeneic-engineered NK cells has been validated in several preclinical researches. For instance, CISH KO NK cells show improved metabolic fitness and prolonged in vivo persistence, leading to enhanced anti-tumor activity.

Fig.2 Enhanced immunity effect by deletion of CISH in mature NK cells. (Bernard, et al., 2022)Fig.2 Deletion of CISH in mature NK cells enhances immunity to primary tumors.2

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How does Creative Biolabs ensure the quality and safety of engineered NK cells?

A1: Creative Biolabs employs stringent quality control measures, including phenotypic and functional assays, to ensure the purity, stability, and efficacy of engineered NK cells. Each batch undergoes rigorous testing before being deemed suitable for therapeutic use.

Q2: What are the main challenges in NK cell engineering?

A2: The primary challenges include ensuring sufficient infiltration into tumor sites and overcoming the immunosuppressive TME. Creative Biolabs addresses these issues through chemokine receptor engineering and the KO of inhibitory receptor genes, respectively.

Creative Biolabs' allogeneic engineering NK cell development service integrates advanced gene-editing techniques and adjunctive therapies to produce highly effective anti-cancer treatments. With comprehensive service details and robust scientific backing, this platform represents a promising approach to next-generation NK cell therapies.


  1. Page, Audrey, et al. "Development of NK cell-based cancer immunotherapies through receptor engineering." Cellular & Molecular Immunology 21.4 (2024): 315-331.
  2. Bernard, Pierre-Louis, et al. "Targeting CISH enhances natural cytotoxicity receptor signaling and reduces NK cell exhaustion to improve solid tumor immunity." Journal for immunotherapy of cancer 10.5 (2022).
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