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Allogeneic Placental Cell Development Service

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Creative Biolabs proudly presents our allogeneic placental chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T Cell Development Service, showcasing our expertise and innovation in the field. With our well-developed technology, we engineer placental T cells with CAR expression and knockout of endogenous T cell receptors (TCR), creating what we term as placental CAR-T cell therapy.

Placental-derived CAR-T Cell

Fig.1 Structure of the placenta. (Gorodetsky, Raphael, and Wilhelm K Aicher., 2021)

Placenta-derived chimeric antigen receptor T cells refer to a novel approach in cancer immunotherapy where T cells are engineered with CARs using cells from the placenta. These CAR T cells are designed to target specific proteins on cancer cells, ultimately enhancing the ability of the immune system to recognize and destroy malignant tumors. This innovative therapy offers a promising new avenue for treating a variety of cancers, with the potential for improved efficacy and reduced side effects compared to traditional treatments.

Allogeneic Placental Cell Development Service at Creative Biolabs

  • Allogeneic Placental CAR-T Cell Platform

Creative Biolabs has launched an allogeneic placental CAR-T cell platform based on years of research in the field of CAR-T. Our platform works by genetically modifying T cells to express CARs that target specific cancer antigens. The combination of technologies such as cell biology, genetic engineering, bioprocessing, and quality control is essential for the development and implementation of allogeneic CAR-T cells. We offer the following range of available technologies to help you effectively develop, produce, and deliver CAR-T cell therapies.

Placental cell isolation and expansion Gene editing Cell culture Quality control and characterization Cryopreservation and storage
Creative Biolabs offers technology to isolate and expand placental cells, including mesenchymal stem cells and other related cell types, for the generation of allogeneic CAR-T cells. Creative Biolabs offers a variety of gene editing technologies for editing placental cell genetic material to express CARs, such as CRISPR-Cas9 or TALEN technologies. Creative Biolabs is equipped with culture systems and bioreactors for culturing and expanding transgenic placental cells to produce a sufficient number of CAR-T cells. Creative Biolabs helps you assess CAR-T cell quality, potency, and purity and validate CAR construct expression to ensure efficacy and safety of treatments. Cryopreservation methods and storage solutions that maintain the viability and function of CAR-T cells during transport and storage are also key to the success of the project.
  • Benefits of Our Allogeneic Placental CAR-T Development Service

Creative Biolabs' allogeneic placental CAR-T cell platform offers a promising approach to cancer treatment that combines the benefits of personalized cell therapy with the convenience and practicality of off-the-shelf availability.

- Potent anti-tumor activity

- Abilities to expand readily ex vivo

- Lower expression of effector or exhaustion markers

- Reduced risk of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD)

- Cost-effective and fast turnaround time

These advantages make our service particularly attractive for those seeking effective and efficient CAR-T cell development solutions.

Applications of Allogeneic Placental CAR-T Therapy

Allogeneic Placental CAR T Cells have numerous applications in cancer immunotherapy, including targeting solid tumors, hematologic malignancies, and overcoming immune evasion mechanisms. This versatile therapy shows great promise in revolutionizing cancer treatment.

Creative Biolabs' Allogeneic Placental CAR T Cell Development Service offers cutting-edge technology, unparalleled expertise, and a commitment to advancing cancer immunotherapy. contact us today to learn more about how we can help you harness the power of CAR T cells in the fight against cancer.


  1. Gorodetsky, Raphael, and Wilhelm K Aicher. "Allogenic use of human placenta-derived stromal cells as a highly active Subtype of mesenchymal stromal cells for cell-based therapies." International journal of molecular sciences vol. 22,10 5302.
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