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CAR iNK Cell Design and Engineering Service

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Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) possess the unique capability to differentiate into various cell types, making them an ideal starting point for generating NK cells. The innovative approach leverages the versatility and availability of iPSCs to induce NK cells, making it a promising "off-the-shelf" option for cancer treatment. As an industry leader in the cell therapy field, Creative Biolabs offers a range of allogeneic cell therapy development services tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Our CAR-iNK services involve modifying iPSC-derived NK cells with a CAR construct, ensuring highly efficient and targeted immunotherapeutic solutions.

Fig.1 Genetic modified iNK cells. (Goldenson, et al., 2022)Fig.1 Genetic modifications to improve the functions of iNK cells.1

CAR iNK Cell Development Services

To enhance the anti-tumor efficiency of iNK cells, Creative Biolabs utilizes advanced genetic engineering techniques to modify iPSCs. These modifications include knocking in a CAR gene into the iPSCs. CARs are designed to recognize and bind to antigens present on the surface of cancer cells, thus directing the NK cells toward their targets with high specificity. Moreover, Creative Biolabs is dedicated to addressing one of the immune suppression challenges in cancer immunotherapy. Our experts are able to edit multiple genes within the iPSCs to knock out immunosuppressive elements by CRISPR/Cas9. These methods eradicate the mechanisms that tumors often use to evade immune detection and destruction and ensure a sustained and potent anti-tumoral response.

Fig.2 Generation of CAR-iNK cells. (Creative Biolabs original)

Creative Biolabs has developed proprietary technology to induce NK cells from iPSCs effectively. Our feeder-free differentiation platform ensures a highly efficient and reproducible process for generating iNK cells. Unlike traditional methods that require feeder layers, which can introduce variability and contaminants, our feeder-free system offers a cleaner, more consistent and controlled way to produce iNK cells, ultimately resulting in a purer product ready for further applications.

Cutting-Edge Technologies in CAR-iNK Cell Development

Creative Biolabs utilizes several cutting-edge technologies in their CAR-iNK cell development services:

  • Proprietary Technology for Inducing iNK Cells from iPSCs

This technology ensures the reliable and scalable production of NK cells from iPSCs.

  • Genetic Engineering of iPSCs to Express CARs

By designing iPSCs to express CARs that target specific cancer antigens, Creative Biolabs enhances the targeting precision and cytotoxicity of the resultant iNK cells.

  • Multiple Gene-Edited iPSCs for Enhanced Anti-Tumoral Efficacy

The use of CRISPR/Cas9 to knock out immunosuppressive genes bolsters the resilience and effectiveness of iNK cells in combating tumors.

Contact Us

With a commitment to innovation and quality, Creative Biolabs stands distinguished in providing CAR-iNK cell development services. By integrating proprietary methods for iNK cell induction with CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing, we are pioneering the next generation of allogeneic cancer therapies. For further discussions or to initiate a collaboration, please contact Creative Biolabs today. Our experts are ready to guide you through every step of your CAR-iNK cell development journey.


  1. Goldenson, Benjamin H., Pooja Hor, and Dan S. Kaufman. "iPSC-derived natural killer cell therapies-expansion and targeting." Frontiers in immunology 13 (2022): 841107.
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