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CAR-NKT/TCR-NKT Cell Design and Engineering Service

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Allogeneic NKT Cell Therapy

Natural Killer T (NKT) cells are a unique subset of immune cells that share features of both T cells and natural killer (NK) cells. NKT cells have shown promise in cancer treatment due to their unique properties and functions, including broad tumor recognition, rapid immune response, and lower risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Due to their versatile functional attributes and ability to produce large amounts of cytokines, NKT cells have emerged as promising candidates for immunotherapy applications. Allogeneic NKT cells further enhance the therapeutic potential by providing an "off-the-shelf" treatment option, circumventing tumor evasion issues associated with autologous therapies.

Creative Biolabs is dedicated to offering a specialized CAR/TCR-NKT cell development service. Our advanced platforms are designed to leverage the therapeutic potential of NKT cells, providing tailored solutions for various research applications. Through our state-of-the-art technologies and dedicated research teams, we ensure the development of high-quality CAR-NKT and TCR-NKT cells, pushing the development of next-generation immunotherapies.

Fig.1 Allogeneic NKT cell therapies: CAR-NKT and TCR-NKT. (Creative Biolabs original)

CAR-NKT Cell Design and Engineering Service

CAR-NKT cells are designed by incorporating genes encoding CARs into NKT cells using viral or non-viral transduction methods. At Creative Biolabs, we use precise genetic modification techniques, including CRISPR/Cas9 and lentiviral vectors, which allow for the stable integration and expression of CAR constructs in NKT cells. Our CAR-NKT development service includes target identification, CAR design, vector construction, and cell transduction. We also provide comprehensive validation and functional assays to ensure that the CAR-NKT cells exhibit the desired attributes, such as specificity, cytotoxicity, and cytokine production, essential for effective therapeutic outcomes. Additionally, our platform incorporates advanced techniques for cell expansion and activation, ensuring that sufficient quantities of CAR-NKT cells can be produced for further applications.

TCR-NKT Cell Design and Engineering Service

Creative Biolabs provides a comprehensive TCR-NKT cell development service that includes TCR discovery and validation, and genetic engineering. We employ advanced TCR optimization methods, including affinity maturation and specificity tuning, to enhance the binding affinity and selectivity of TCRs for their target antigens. Our TCR-NKT cell platform is characterized by its rigorous quality control measures, which include extensive phenotypic and functional characterization of engineered cells. Our platform also focuses on the efficient expansion of engineered cells while maintaining their functional integrity. Through optimized culture conditions and activation protocols, we ensure that TCR-NKT cells retain their proliferation capacity and effector functions, enabling robust in vivo anti-tumor responses.

Features of Our Platform

  • Customized Design: Tailored development of CAR and TCR constructs to meet specific needs.
  • Advanced Gene-Editing Tools: Utilization of state-of-the-art technologies for precise genetic modifications.
  • Efficient Gene Delivery Systems: Implementation of lentiviral and retroviral vectors for reliable gene transfer.
  • Throughput Screening: Comprehensive identification of optimal CAR and TCR constructs.
  • Scalable Cell Expansion: Advanced culture systems ensuring efficient expansion of NKT cells
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