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CellRapeutics™ Allogeneic CAR-T Cell Development Service

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Creative Biolabs launches CellRapeutics™ allogeneic CAR-T cell development service, which achieves further enhancement of CAR-T cells by converting inhibitory molecular signals into activated signaled CAR-T cells.

Tumor Microenvironment Inhibitory Signaling

Inhibitory signals in the tumor microenvironment can have a series of negative effects on the immune response against the tumor. One of the key effects is the suppression of immune cell activity, particularly of cytotoxic T cells that are responsible for killing tumor cells. Inhibitory signals can prevent these immune cells from recognizing and attacking the tumor, allowing it to continue growing unchecked. In addition, inhibitory signals can also promote the recruitment of immune cells that suppress the immune response, such as regulatory T cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells. These cells can further dampen the immune response against the tumor, creating a vicious cycle of immunosuppression that allows the tumor to thrive.

Fig.1 Tumor microenvironment. (Ephraim, Ramya et al., 2022) Fig.1 Immune cells and immune checkpoints in the tumor microenvironment.1

CellRapeutics™ Allogeneic CART Cell Development Service at Creative Biolabs

  • CellRapeutics™ Allogeneic CART Cell Platform

After further research on CAR-T cells, Creative Biolabs has developed a set of enhanced CAR-T therapy strategies that target the tumor microenvironment and actively explore a highly differentiated pathway to further unlock the potential of tumor immunotherapy. Our CellRapeutics™ Allogeneic CAR-T Cell platform not only blocks endogenous TME molecular signaling, but also converts tumor microenvironment inhibitory signals into T cell activation signals, thereby promoting the expansion and persistence of CAR-T cells in tumor tissues.

  • Method for Converting Inhibitory Molecular Signals

Creative Biolabs designed chimeric receptors to have a signaling domain that activates CAR-T cells when bound to inhibitory molecules. This activation signal can then override the inhibitory signal, leading to the activation of CAR-T cells and subsequent killing of target cancer cells. Another approach is to use genetic engineering techniques to modify CAR-T cells so that they can overcome inhibitory signals. For example, CAR-T cells can be designed to express molecules that can inhibit inhibitory receptor activity, or express additional costimulatory molecules that can enhance CAR-T cell activation.

  • Benefits of CellRapeutics™ Allogeneic CART Cell

Enhance T cell expansion capacity

Prolongs T cell fitness and persistence

Improve the ability to fight against the tumor microenvironment

Improve the ability to kill tumors with large loads

Enhance immune memory

Contact Us

CellRapeutics™ Allogeneic CAR-T Cell Development Service offers cutting-edge solutions for the development of allogeneic CAR-T cell therapies. Our team of experts is dedicated to advancing the field of CAR-T cell therapy and providing our clients with high-quality, customizable solutions for their specific needs. With a strong focus on innovation and collaboration, we are committed to delivering results that have the potential to revolutionize the treatment of cancer and other diseases.

All in all, Creative Biolabs is your best partner in advancing the field of CAR-T cell therapy. With our expertise and state-of-the-art technology, we are equipped to help you bring your therapies from concept to clinic. Contact us now to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals in cell therapy development.


  1. Ephraim, Ramya et al. "Checkpoint Markers and Tumor Microenvironment: What Do We Know?." Cancers vol. 14,15 3788. 4 Aug.
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