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Enhanced Memory NK Cell Development Service

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Memory NK Cell

Memory natural killer (NK) cells exhibit long-lasting immune memory capabilities, enabling them to respond more quickly and efficiently upon encountering a previously encountered pathogen or target. In the field of cancer treatment, memory NK cells show immense potential for enhancing immunotherapy outcomes. Several methods have been investigated to induce memory-like characteristics in NK cells in vitro. Among them, the method through the use of cytokines, including interleukin-12 (IL-12), interleukin-15 (IL-15), and interleukin-18 (IL-18), to induce memory-like characteristics in NK cells is becoming an increasingly researched and promising approach.

In combination with other immunotherapies, such as checkpoint inhibitors or CAR-T cell therapy, memory NK cells have the potential to significantly improve cancer treatment outcomes.

Fig.1 Cytokine-induced memory-like NK cells. (Bakhtiyaridovvombaygi, et al., 2023)Fig.1 Memory NK cell-based immunotherapy.1

Enhanced Memory NK Platform

Memory NK cells have shown great promise in augmenting the immune response against cancer cells. Creative Biolabs, a leading biotechnology company, is at the forefront of developing enhanced memory NK cells. Our innovative approach involves isolating and purifying NK cells from healthy donors and then inducing them into a memory phenotype through using cytokines, without the need for feeder cells. By carefully selecting and manipulating specific cytokines, we can efficiently induce and expand the population of memory NK cells, providing a valuable tool for studying their function and potential therapeutic applications. This process drives the NK cells into a highly activated functional state, enhancing their anti-cancer capabilities. Our team of experts meticulously tests and evaluates each batch of memory NK cells to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and purity.

Memory NK cells Combined with CAR Platform

Moreover, Creative Biolabs also offers CAR-memory NK cell services through the integration of CAR structures into memory NK cells through genetic engineering. By equipping memory NK cells with CARs, which are synthetic receptors designed to recognize specific tumor antigens, we enable these cells to specifically target cancer cells with enhanced precision and efficiency. This tailored approach further enhances the therapeutic potential of Memory NK cells in cancer treatment, offering an exciting avenue for personalized immunotherapies that target and destroy malignancies.

Advantages of Our Services

  • Expert guidance on cell culture conditions and cytokine dosages for maximal efficacy
  • Comprehensive quality control measures to ensure the generation of potent memory NK cell populations
  • Personalized approach to meet specific research goals and requirements
  • Rapid turnaround time for efficient project completion
  • Integration of latest research findings and developments in memory NK cell biology and CAR-NK research


  1. Bakhtiyaridovvombaygi, Mehdi, et al. "Cytokine-Induced Memory-Like NK Cells: Emerging strategy for AML immunotherapy." Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 168 (2023): 115718.
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