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TRuC Cell Design and Engineering Service

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TRuC Cell Platform Innovates the Future of Immunotherapy

Various therapies such as CAR-T and TCR-T therapies have emerged with promising outcomes. Despite its remarkable potential, CAR-T faces limitations such as antigen escape and restricted efficacy against solid tumors. On the other hand, TCR-T therapy targets intracellular antigens presented on MHC molecules, offering a broader target range but often facing MHC restriction issues and potential off-target toxicity. TRuC cells are engineered by fusing a tumor-targeting single-chain variable fragment (scFv) directly to the T-cell receptor complex, allowing for the recognition of both MHC and non-MHC-restricted antigens. By integrating the natural TCR-signaling machinery, TRuC cells are designed to provide robust and sustained anti-tumor activity.

Creative Biolabs offers comprehensive TRuC cell development services that facilitate the efficient design and engineering of TRuC cells to meet specific needs. We have developed a universal allogeneic TRuC cell platform for off-the-shelf therapeutic solutions.

Advantages of TRuC Cell Platform

  • MHC Independent therapy
  • Enhanced tumor recognition
  • Lower risk of GvHD
  • Cost-effective production
  • Off-the-shelf availability

TRuC Design and Construction

Creative Biolabs has developed a TRuC platform specifically for designing TRuC constructs that optimize tumor recognition and T cell activation. By integrating bioinformatics and molecular biology tools, Creative Biolabs ensures precise scFv selection, optimal fusion to the TCR complex, and TRuC vector design. The TRuC vector design is tailored to meet the individual needs of each client, ensuring that each vector construct is highly specific and functionally potent.

Fig.1 Various TRuC structures. (Baeuerle, et al., 2019)Fig.1 Schematic diagram of various TRuCs.1

TRuC Cell Engineering Services

Creative Biolabs offers an innovative TRuC Cell platform that leverages advanced molecular biology and genetic engineering to develop superior T-cell therapies. The platform is designed to streamline the TRuC cell development process, from initial target antigen identification to final cell product validation. Creative Biolabs leverages advanced techniques to design and produce TRuC vectors. Scientists at our lab utilize advanced gene editing technologies, such as CRISPR and lentiviral vectors, to engineer the TRuC constructs into T cells. Our team employs proprietary cell culture and expansion technologies to ensure that TRuC cells expand effectively. Moreover, our rigorous validation process includes in vitro and in vivotesting to ensure that the engineered cells exhibit strong anti-tumor activity, minimal off-target effects, and long-lasting efficacy. We integrate various in vitro tests including flow cytometry, cytokine release assays, and cytotoxicity assays into our validation processes, providing comprehensive data that supports the safety and effectiveness of the engineered cells.


  1. Baeuerle, Patrick A., et al. "Synthetic TRuC receptors engaging the complete T cell receptor for potent anti-tumor response." Nature communications 10.1 (2019): 2087.
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