Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR) Nuclear Receptor Assay Service

Unlocking Insights into AHR Biology

The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor involved in various biological processes, including xenobiotic metabolism and immune response modulation.

By utilizing our AHR nuclear receptor assay, you gain crucial insights into how your compounds interact with AHR, influencing the metabolic pathways:

Creative Biolabs offers a specialized AHR nuclear receptor assay service to assess functional responses of AHR to agonists or antagonists in a cell-based context. This assay utilizes robust methodologies to quantify IC50 values, providing critical insights into AHR activation or inhibition dynamics.

Receptor Assay Type Subtype Functional Mode Detection
Human AHR Functional Cell-based Agonist IC50
Functional Cell-based Antagonist IC50
Rat AHR Functional Cell-based Agonist IC50
Functional Cell-based Antagonist IC50

At Creative Biolabs, we are committed to supplying top-tier assay services, leveraging our tremendous expertise and advanced technology. Our AHR nuclear receptor assay provider is designed to deliver unique, dependable, and extremely good effects, assisting your research and development efforts with professionalism and excellence. Whether you are investigating the agonistic or antagonistic activities of compounds on the AHR receptor, our service is tailored to meet your specific desires.

Technical Procedure

  1. Cell Culture Preparation: Cell lines engineered to express human or rat AHR are cultured under optimized conditions.
  2. Treatment with Compounds: Cells are exposed to varying concentrations of test compounds, including agonists or antagonists of AHR.
  3. Detection of AHR Activation: After compound exposure, cells are processed to measure AHR activation through luciferase reporter gene assays or other suitable readouts.
  4. Data Analysis: IC50 values are determined to assess the efficiency of tested compounds in modulating AHR activity.
  5. Validation and Quality Control: Perform replicate assays using independent cell batches to ensure robustness and reproducibility.

Published Data

This study illustrates the mechanism by which ligand binding induces conformational modifications in each of the AHR receptors and the AHR-Arnt complicated. This conformational change is essential in determining whether or not the ligands act as agonists or antagonists of the AHR pathway. Agonists usually stabilize the lively conformation of AHR, main to its nuclear translocation and next gene transcription. In comparison, antagonists prevent this activation using inhibiting ligand-prompted conformational changes. These insights are vital for understanding how one-of-a-kind compounds can selectively modulate AHR hobby, influencing diverse organic techniques and capacity healing packages.

Fig.1 The mechanism of ligand binding inducing conformational changes in both the AHR receptor and the AHR-Arnt complex. (Safe, Stephen, et al., 2020)Fig.1 Ligand–AHR binding induces conformational changes in the AHR and AHR–Arnt complex.1

Integration with ADME Services

Our AHR nuclear receptor assay is an essential issue of our complete absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) services. Our AHR nuclear receptor assay enhances and enhances our full range of ADME offerings, which include:



Our AHR nuclear receptor assay is not just an isolated test but an important part of our holistic ADME profiling offerings. By leveraging this assay, you gain in-depth knowledge of your compound's metabolic pathways and interactions, blanketed seamlessly with our entire ADME testing. This approach ensures that you have all the important information to make informed choices, optimizing your drug development manner. Contact Creative Biolabs to examine the way our incorporated AHR nuclear receptor assay and ADME services assist your research.


  1. Safe, Stephen, et al. "Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) ligands as selective AHR modulators (SAhRMs)." International journal of molecular sciences 21.18 (2020): 6654.

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