Anti-Dicarboxylic Acid Moiety of Glutamic Acid Aptamer(Cat#: CTWZ-0624-WZ1)

This product is a customized aptamer which binds to Dicarboxylic acid moiety of glutamic acid with an affinity of 200-1000 μM.

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Target Category Small Molecule
Target Dicarboxylic acid moiety of glutamic acid
Target Overview Glutamic acid is one of the proteogenic amino acids, and its salt is widely used as an umami seasoning. Dicarboxylic acid moiety is a potential binding site of glutamic acid.
Type DNA
Length 50-100 nt
Affinity (Kd) 200-1000 μM
Binding Conditions/Buffer 20 mM Tris-HCl, 300 mM NaCl, 5 mM MgCl₂, pH 7.6
GC Content 63%
Molecular Weight 16941 g/mole
nmoles/OD260 1.608
For Research Use Only. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Applications.
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