Anti-MUC1 Aptamer-CTApt-189(Cat#: CTApt-189)

This product is an aptamer which binds to the MUC1 with an affinity of <200 pM.

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5’ Modification
3’ Modification
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Target Category Protein
Target MUC1
Chemical Modification DNA
Length 20-40 nt
Affinity (Kd) <200 pM
Binding Conditions/Buffer PBS buffer (pH 7.2).
GC Content 0.52
Molecular Weight 7664.03 g/mole
Extinction Coefficient 232300 L/(mole·cm)
nmoles/OD260 4.3

Customer Review

It's a must-have for anyone working with low-concentration samples
This aptamer showcased exceptional sensitivity, enabling us to detect minute quantities of MUC1 with precision.
Cost-effective solution
Considering its performance, this aptamer presents excellent value for money. It proved to be cost-effective without compromising on quality.
Potential for diverse applications
We found that this aptamer has potential beyond our initial research focus. Its versatility hints at broader applications.
For Research Use Only. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Applications.
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